发表时间:2014-02-10 浏览次数:933次
梁 智,方 芳.大量输血对凝血功能影响的临床分析[J].吉林医学,2014,35(4):733-734.
梁 智,方 芳
广西南宁市第一人民医院,广西 南宁 530022
目的:探讨大量输血后凝血功能的变化和及时输注血浆和(或)血小板的重要性。方法:选择104例大量输血患者,分成单纯输血组、输注红细胞及输400~1000ml血浆组、输注红细胞及超过1000ml血浆组,对输注的成分血及输血前后PT、INR、APTT、FIB、血小板的结果加以分析。结果:大量输血后,患者PT、INR、APTT延长,FIB、血小板下降,单纯输注红细胞患者改变最明显,其次是输红细胞及少量血浆着,输血同时输注1000ml以上血浆凝血机制改变最小。结论:大量输血可使凝血功能变差及血小板降低,适当输注血浆和(或)血小板可减少改变的程度,避免出血加重。 Objective To observe the change of blood clotting function after the massive blood transfusing and the importance of freshfrozen plasma and/ or the platelet transfusing Method 104 patients with massive blood transfusion were divided into three groups: patientswho transfused red blood cell only, patients who transfused red blood cell and 400 ~1 000 ml fresh frozen plasma, patients who transfusedred blood cell and over 1 000 ml fresh frozen plasma Monitoring the PLT and coagulogram of the patients before and after transfusion Results After multiplicity blood transfusion, prothrombin time ( PT) , internation normalized ratio ( INR) , activated partial thromboplastintime( APTT) were extending extremely The FIB and the platelet were obviously descending After multiplicity blood transfusion, thePT、 INR、 APTT of patients who transfused red blood cell only were extremely more than patients who transfused red blood cell and fresh frozen plasma, the PT、 INR、 APTT of patients who transfused red blood cell and 400 -1000ml fresh frozen plasma were extremely more thanpatients who transfused red blood cell and over 1 000 ml fresh frozen plasma Conclusion After multiplicity blood transfusion, blood clottingfunction of patients were bad, we should transfuse fresh frozen plasma and/ or the platelet in time, and solve the problem to prevent the severity complications