发表时间:2015-04-23 浏览次数:1290次
中国人民解放军第113医院消化内科,浙江 宁波315040
目的:调查某地156位居民幽门螺杆菌( Hp)的感染状况。方法:用14 C尿素呼气试验普查巡诊人群的Hp感染状况,包括各年龄段(24岁以下、24~28岁及28岁以上)的感染状况,不同生活地域(海岛、高山及平原)的感染状况,与生活方式(吸烟饮酒)以及消化道不适症状(恶心呕吐、腹胀腹痛)的相关性等。结果:不同地域、吸烟与否、饮酒与否以及伴随恶心呕吐、腹胀腹痛的差异均有统计学意义,年龄段之间差异无统计学意义。结论:Hp感染与年龄无关,与不同生活地域和生活方式相关,有消化道不适症状的居民的感染率明显高于无症状的人群。 Objective To investigate the infection status of Helicobacter pylori in different regions of the 156 people. Methods The car-rier of Hp in the people was determined by 14 C-UBT. The infection status of Hp in each age group and different regions. The related be-tween the infection of Hp and these factors such as the lifestyle and gastrointestinal symptoms. Results The Hp infection rates in people of each age group of 18 to 24 years old,24 to 28 years old and 28 to 32 years old were 22. 0%,24. 6% and 34. 2%,respectively. There were no significant difference between them.The Hp infection rates in different regions were 34. 0%,26. 2% and 16. 7%,respectively. The difference between them was statistically significant.The Hp infection rates of people with or without smoking were 33. 70% and 15. 63%, respectively. The Hp infection rates of people with or without alcohol were 31. 36% and 10. 53%,respectively. The Hp infection rates of people with or without nausea and vomiting were 66. 67% and 21. 99%,respectively. The Hp infection rates of people with or without ab-dominal pain and bloating were 84. 62% and 20. 98%,respectively. These differences between them were all statistically significant. Con-clusion The Hp infection rate was regardless of age,but related with different geographical and lifestyle. The Hp infection rate in people with gastrointestinal symptoms was significantly higher than those without them.