发表时间:2014-02-10 浏览次数:973次
江苏省东台市广山卫生院检验科,江苏 东台 224218
目的:了解粪便隐血试验胶体金法、邻联甲苯胺法临床应用和价值。方法:对45例消化道出血患者和29例健康人的粪便分别用两种方法做隐血试验。结果:患者组45例,邻联甲苯胺法阳性32例阳性率为71%胶体金法阳性27例阳性率为60%健康组29例,邻联甲苯胺法阳性4例阳性率为13.7%胶体金法阳性0例阳性率为0。结论:胶体金法对上消化道出血粪便由于后带现象容易产生假阴性,邻联甲苯胺法做隐血试验又容易产生一定的假阳性。所以两种方法要互为补充,不可替代。 Objective To understand the clinical practice and value of excrement occult blood test colloid gold and the neighboring tolidine method.Method 45 cases of patients with hemorrhage of digestive tract and 29 cases of healthy people separately were performed theoccult blood test with two methods.Results In patient group with 45 cases, neighboring tolidine method was 32 cases, and the positive ratewas 71%, colloid gold method was 27 cases, and the positive rate was 60%.In healthy group with 29 cases, the neighboring tolidine methodwas 4 cases, and the positive rate was 13.7%, colloid gold method was 0 case, and the positive rate was 0.Conclusion Colloid gold afterupper gastrointestinal hemorrhage excrement is easy to have false negative because the postzone phenomenon, the neighboring tolidine method is also easy to have certain false positive.Therefore two methods must mutually be the supplements and they are unreplaceable