Straight line closure for correction of congenital isolated bilateral macrostomia
发表时间:2015-12-09 浏览次数:2034次
Mashalkar NS, Shetty N. Straight line closure for correction of congenital isola
Straight line closure for correction of congenital
Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns, St. John'
Congenital bilateral macrostomia is a very rare deformity of the mouth, and it is still rarer to see cases of isolated bilateral macrostomia. Although the creation of a symmetric neocommissure is imperative, this presents a technical challenge. A review of the literature for surgical solutions revealed various techniques, but no cases in which a bilateral straight line repair was described and adopted. This report presents the case of a 3-month-old boy with isolated bilateral macrostomia for whom straight line closure was performed on both sides. At 1 year follow-up, the oral commissures are symmetric with aesthetically pleasing scars and no lateral migration.