Pseudoangiomatous squamous cell carcinoma: a challenge for pathologists and plastic surgeons
发表时间:2015-12-09 浏览次数:1935次
Kanakopoulos D, Evgeniou E, Dimitriadis PA, Kulkarni M. Pseudoangiomatous squamo
Dimitrios Kanakopoulos1, Evgenios Evgeniou2, Panay
1 Department of Plastic Surgery, Southmead Hospita
Pseudo-angiosarcomatous or pseudovascular squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is an unusual variant form of acantholytic SCC that mimics the histopathological appearance of angiosarcoma. We describe a case of pseudovascular SCC in a 77-year-old lady to highlight the frequent recurrence and aggressiveness, as well as the clinicopathological features of this rare form of cutaneous SCC, and demonstrate the difficulties in establishing the correct diagnosis. Plastic surgeons involved in the care of patients with cutaneous malignancies should be aware of this variant of SCC and its aggressive nature in order to manage these patients appropriately.