发表时间:2014-06-11 浏览次数:1075次
进一步研究严重鼻歪畸形矫正治疗中,鼻中隔体外成形术的临床治疗效果。方法:收集了2011年3月一2012年3月来我院进行严重鼻歪畸形矫正的15例患者的临床资料进行详细研究,上述患者均在全麻状态下,接受截骨整形术与鼻中隔软骨体外成形手术,并测量与评价术后歪鼻形态。结果:15例患者,13例治愈,治愈率为86.7%。1例轻度偏向对侧歪鼻,1例轻度歪鼻复发。均未出现鼻中隔穿孔以及鼻背塌陷等症状。结论:严重鼻歪畸形矫正治疗中,鼻中隔体外成形术的临床治疗效果显著,治愈率较高,并发症少,大幅度提高患者满意度与治愈率,值得推广应用。 objectve To further study on serious cr()oked nose deformity in orth— odontic treatment, the clinical therapeutic effects of nasal septum figuration in vi— tro. Methods Collectng cl inical data of 15 patients from March, 201l to March, 2012 in the hospital with serious crooked nose deforIflity correction to make detailed study. The patients were in the condition of general anesthesia, accepted anaplasty of bone cutting forming operation of nasal septum cartilage in vitro, and to measure and evalu— ate postoperative crooked nose shape. Results AⅡlong 15 cases, 13 cases were cured,and the cure rate was 86.7%. 1 case had mi ld bias for s i de crooked nose。 and l case had recurrence of mild crooked nose. Neither symptoms such as nasal septum perforation and doI’sum c011apse occurred. Conclusion In orthodontic treatment of serious crooked nose deforI口ity, the clinical therapeutic effect of nasal septum figuration in vitro is sig— nificant, with high cure rate and fewer complicatjons. Patients’ satisfaction and the cure rate increase significantly. So j t is worthy of popularization and application. ous crooked nose