发表时间:2014-05-27 浏览次数:923次
霍永力,张 馨,张 雷.行微创髂骨取骨术治疗齿槽突裂26例临床观察.[J].中国医疗美容,2014,0(1).19-20
霍永力,张 馨,张 雷
(银川市口腔医院,宁夏 银川 750001)
目的:总结微创髂骨取骨术的临床经验;方法:回顾性分析我院2005年4月~2006年8月微创髂骨取骨术26例的临床资料,评价其临床效果及安全性;结果:术后所有患者髂骨供区仅略感不适,术后第1、2日即能下床活动。髂骨供区术后第 3天换药,第7天拆线。髂骨供区创口均一期愈合,供区股外侧皮肤无麻木等并发症。术后随访6~12个月,临床及X线片检查植骨区均示愈合良好。供区瘢痕较小,股外侧皮肤无麻木等并发症。结论:髂骨取骨术操作简单,容易掌握获得骨松质量充足,疼痛小,值得临床推广。 Objective:To summarize the experience of minimally invasive iliac bone graft surgery. Method: Retrospectively analyzing the clinical data of minimally invasive iliac bone graft surgery from April,2005 to August,2006,and evaluating the clinical effect and safety. Result:After operation,patients only got little discomfortable feeling in iliac bone area. They could do little activity after one or two days after operation. They got medicine changed 3 days after operation,and stitches taken out 7 days after operation. The wound of iliac bone had first step healing,and no complications,such as numbness of lateral skin. After 6~12 month follow-up,the healing was good through clinical and X-ray examination. The scar of the supply area was little,and there was no numbness. Conclusion:Iliac bone graft surgery was easy in operation and grasping, with sufficient cancellous bone and little pain. So it is worth promotion.