发表时间:2014-05-27 浏览次数:882次
吴 震 .自体颗粒脂肪移植术在面部美容整形中的应用.[J].中国医疗美容,2014,0(1).38-39
吴 震
(江苏省盐城同洲骨科医院,江苏 盐城 224007)
目的:分析自体颗粒脂肪移植技术在面部美容整形中的应用价值。方法:以患者的腰腹部、大腿内侧部位作为脂肪供区,实施脂肪抽吸术,然后将抽吸的脂肪颗粒生理盐水纯化冲洗多次、沉淀后,注射至面颊部、颞部、鼻唇沟以及皱纹的凹陷不对称部位。结果:46例患者通过1~3次的颗粒脂肪注射填充,面颊部、颞部等处的凹陷情况明显有所改善,皱纹有明显的减轻,且部分已经消退。手术后随访4~19个月,46例患者对美容整形效果满意,没有出现结节、血肿、感染及不对称等并发症。结论:自体颗粒脂肪移植技术操作简单、安全系数高、且手术后的瘢痕小,在面部美容整形中的应用效果良好。 Objective:To study the application value of autologous fat transplantation in facial cosmetic surgery. Methods:Waist abdomen and inner thigh were as fat supply areas,liposuction was used,then the fat particles in physiological saline was flushed,and multiple suction purification was done. Fat was injected into the cheek,temporal,nasolabial wrinkles depression and unsymmetrical position. Results:Through 1~3 fat particle injection,the depression of cheek and temporal was improved in 46 patients. Wrinkles reduced significantly,and some subsided. After 4~19 months follow-up,46 patients in the cosmetic had satisfactory result,with no nodules,hematoma,infection and complications. Conclusion:Scar transplantation of autologous fat granules technology has the advantages of simple operation,high safety coefficient,and little scar after the operation. It has good effect in the facial plasty operation.