发表时间:2014-05-27 浏览次数:901次
梁红伟1,朱 莹2,李正斌1,张羽森1
(1.郑州颐和医院中韩国际整形中心,河南 郑州 450047; 2.郑州大学第一附属医院整形外科,河
目的:探讨使用自体脂肪多层次颞部移植填充的临床效果。方法:随机选取因颞部凹陷在我院就诊的病例40例,采取肿胀吸脂术自皮下脂肪丰富的部位抽取脂肪,并经处理提纯后进行颞部多层次的超量注射,位置分别为皮下层、颞部浅筋膜下层和颞部深筋膜下层,注射量6~30ml,并进行3~24个月的术后随访,观察其治疗效果。结果:入选病例经颞部部双侧多层次填充,3~24个月的随访后未见有破溃感染出血现象,无脂肪液化囊肿等并发症,患者对填充效果较为满意,且填充作用较为持久。结论:采取自体脂肪进行颞部多层次移植填充整形安全有效,值得大力推广使用。 Objective:To explore the clinical efficacy of filling with autologous fat transplantation through multi-level over the tempora. Method:40 tempora depression patients in the hospital were randomly selected. Through using tumescent liposuction,the extracted subcutaneous fat was processed and purified,then was injected excessively in multi-level temporal subcutaneous layer,temporal the superficial and deep temporal fascia with the injection volume of 6~30ml. And the therapeutic effect in the following 3 to 24 months was observed. Result:Patients were filled with temporal bilateral injections of fat. After 3~24 months followedup, there were no bleeding,ulceration infection,the liquefied fat cysts and other serious complications. Patients were satisfied with the result and the fillings were long- lasting. Conclusion:The filling methods of transplant from body fat to multi-level temporal is safe and effective. It is worthy of promotion.