Is pregnancy wise after 12-year chemotherapy of chronic myeloid leukemia woman?
发表时间:2015-12-04 浏览次数:1839次
Das U, Giri GV, Lakshmaiah K, Tagarapura S, Dasappa L, Babu G, Jacob LA, Babu S.
Umesh Das, Gurulingaiah Venkata Giri, Kuntejowdaha
Department of Medical Oncology, Kidwai Memorial In
Diagnosis of leukemia during pregnancy is a dramatic event that poses challenges to the pregnant woman, the family, and physicians. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) comprises up to 10% of pregnancy-associated leukemia. There is no specific guideline for CML management in pregnant women. This study reported a case of successful pregnancy after 12 years of chemotherapy including tyrosine kinase inhibitor for CML. Pregnancy after 12 years of continuous chemotherapy is rare, which also led a challenge for medical oncologists and patient as well. This study described the assessment of the risk balance and benefit and management of such a patient.