Metachronous metastasis of renal cell carcinoma to bilateral testis
发表时间:2015-11-24 浏览次数:1384次
Nain S, Kharkwal S, Kaur O. Metachronous metastasis of renal cell carcinoma to b
Sameer Nain1, Suman Kharkwal1, Onkar Kaur2
1 Department of Surgery, ESI PGIMSR Hospital, Basa
Unusual site metastasis as a presenting complaint of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has been reported previously in the literature. RCC is a tumor with notoriously unpredictable behavior. The authors report an unusual case of metachronous bilateral testicular metastasis in a patient who operated for RCC. The case highlights the unique behavior of RCC with an unusual site of metastasis. A 72-year-old patient presented with bilateral scrotal swelling of 1-month duration. There was a history of left radical nephrectomy for RCC 4 years prior. He underwent a bilateral high inguinal orchidectomy and diagnosis of chromophobe RCC was made on histopathological examination.