发表时间:2014-06-24 浏览次数:732次
范小华,王浩,谭康联等.结直肠癌术后患者中医生存质量量表的研制及条目筛选[J].中国中西医结合杂志.2013, 33(3):307-314.
广东省中医院肛肠科 广州510120 ;广州市番禺区中医院外一区 广州511400; 广东省中医院流
目的 研制结直肠癌术后患者中医生存质量量表(quality of life questionnaire of Chinese medicine for postoperative patients with colorectal cancer,QLQ-CMPPCC),以全面、客观地评价中医药在结直肠癌术后的临床疗效.方法 根据WHO生存质量量表制定原则,结合中医基础理论,提出量表的理论结构模型,广泛查阅国内外多种普适性及结直肠癌专用生存质量量表,采用结构化决策的方法,编制初始量表.用调查方式对205例结直肠癌术后患者进行测试,运用专家重要性评分法、条目分布考察法、离散趋势法、t检验法、相关系数法、因子分析法、克朗巴赫α系数法联合进行条目筛选.结果 研制出含有生理、心理、独立性和社会功能4个领域、20个方面及54个条目的QLQ-CMPPCC.其中,非造口手术患者回答43条,造口手术患者回答46条,生存质量总评价1条.结论 QLQ-CMPPCC具有中医特色,全面反映了结直肠癌术后患者生存质量的内涵,可作为结直肠癌术后中医临床疗效评价的工具. Objective To develop quality of life questionnaire of Chinese medicine for postopera- tive patients with colorectal cancer(QLQ-CMPPCC),thus comprehensively and objectively evaluating the clinical efficacy of Chinese medicine and pharmacy in treating postoperative patients with colorectal cancer(CC).Methods The theoretical structure model of the questionnaire was addressed in combined with basic theories of Chinese medicine according to the principle of WHO quality of life(QOL)The pri- mary questionnaire was developed using methods of structuralization policy making after we extensively retrieve various universal and specific questionnaires for CC cancer patients at home and abroad.The 205 CC patients were tested by questionnaire. The items were screened using experts grading methods, item selection analysis,dispersion trends of standard deviation,t -test,correlation coefficient method, factor analysis,and Cronbach's a. Results The OLQ-CMPPCC was developed containing four domains of physical,psychological,independence,and social functions,involving 20 aspects and 54 items.Of them,non-fistula patients answered 43 items and fistula patients answered 46 items.One item covered the general QOL evaluation.Conclusions QLQ-CMPPCC showed Chinese medical features.It compre- hensively reflected the connotation of QOL for postoperative CC patients.It could be taken as a tool for e- valuating Chinese medical efficacy for postoperative CC patients.