发表时间:2015-04-17 浏览次数:1360次
1.湖北省妇幼保健院产科,湖北武汉430070;2.湖北省军 区马房山干休所,湖北武汉430070
目的:探讨中晚期羊水过少羊膜腔灌注不同液体量的引产效果及安全性。方法:依据羊膜腔内灌注液体量的不同将其分为两组,A组羊膜腔灌注NaCl溶液量为201~300 ml;B组羊膜腔灌注NaCl溶液301~400 ml,比较两组引产成功率、破膜数、二次灌注例数、宫缩发动时间及并发症等。结果:A组首次灌注引产成功率最高88.5%,B组胎膜早破例数达28.0%,两组比较差异有统计学意义;两组规律宫缩发动时间、二次灌注数、并发症方面比较均无差异。结论:羊膜腔内灌注液体量201~300 ml,对于中晚孕羊水过少引产安全有效。 Objective To study efficacy and safety of amnioinfusion different liquid volume on induced labor in the middle and late pregnancy,when oligohydramnios occurred. Methods Retrospective analysis,On the basis of amnioinfusion liquid was then divided into two groups,A group amniotic infusion of normal saline is 201~300ml;B group amniotic infusion of normal saline 301~400ml,Comparison of two groups of the successful rate of induced labor,rupture of membranes,the number two times liquid filling number,the time of uterine contraction and complications. Results A group induced the highest success rate 88. 5%,B group of premature rupture of membranes with numbers up to 28. 0%,there was significant difference;The two group of uterine launch time,two times the number of complications of reperfusion,there were no differences. Conclusion Amnioinfusion liquid volume of 201~300ml to use for induced labor in the middle and late pregnancy because of oligohydramnios,is safe and effective.