发表时间:2014-05-21 浏览次数:688次
瘢痕子宫; B超检查;子宫破裂;预测
(广西贵港市人民医院产科 广西 贵港 537100)
目的:探讨应用 B超检查妊娠晚期瘢痕子宫预测子宫破裂的可行性。方法:回顾性分析300例孕妇,自妊娠 32~40周起连续进行子宫下段厚度及子宫下段瘢痕缺陷的观察。结果:300例孕妇的子宫下段在妊娠 32周以后均已形成 , 52例经 B超检查存在子宫下段瘢痕缺陷, 经手术证实为瘢痕子宫破裂的18例,B超诊断其中16例诊断为先兆子宫破裂,1例诊断为子宫破裂,超声诊断符合率为93.44%。结论:B超观察子宫下段瘢痕缺陷的方法可靠,可预测先兆子宫破裂。 Objective:To discuss the feasibility of application in B ultrasonic examination to predict the scarred rupture of uterus of Pregnancy .Methods:retrospective to analyze 300 gravida, the thickness and the scar defective of lower uterine segment were observed continuously by B ultrasound from33 weeks to 40 weeks of gravida having the history of cesarean section . Results:Lower uterine segment has all to form after 32weeks of 430 gravida, The scar defective of lower uterine segment were found in 52 cases by B ultrasound, 16 cases were diagnosed threatened uterine rupture and 1 case was diagnosed uterine rupture confirmed by surgery. Ultrasonic diagnose accordance rate were 93.44%。Conclusion:Methods were reliable with B ultrasound we can observe the development of lower uterine segment and predict threatened uterine rupture .