发表时间:2014-01-21 浏览次数:597次
汤红平,姚梦霖,卢翔宇,刘远欢,姜 辉,黄 犁
南方医科大学附属深圳妇幼保健院,广东 深圳 518028
目的:通过临床和病理对照,分析围生儿死亡原因,为防止围生儿死亡提供参考。方法:对围生儿死亡病例进行尸体解剖及病理观察,并结合相关临床资料,分析其死亡原因。结果:125例死亡围生儿中,先天性畸形占36%,脐带及胎盘因素占20%,宫内缺氧和窒息占14.4%,母亲因素占12.8%,感染占7.2%,早产和低体重儿占5.6%,不明原因占2.4%,肿瘤2例,占1.6%。结论:围生儿死亡病例中先天畸形和胎盘脐带因素为主要死亡原因。加强孕期保健和产前诊断,防止妊娠并发症发生,尽早发现畸形儿并及时终止妊娠,是降低围生儿死亡率的关键。 Objective To analyze the death causes of perinatal infants and provide reference for preventing perinatal infant mortality through clinical and pathological comparison.Methods Autopsy and pathological observation were performed in died perinatal infants and then analyzed the death causes by combination of the related clinical information.Results In 125 died perinatal infants,congenital malformation,umbilical cord and placenta factors,intrauterine hypoxia and asphyxia,maternal factors,infection,premature and low birth weight infants,unknown causes and neoplasm accounted for 36%,20%,14.4%,12.8%,7.2%,5.6%,2.4% and 1.6% of total death causes,respectively.Conclusion Congenital malformation,umbilical cord and placenta factors were the main death causes of perinatal infants.The key to reduce the mortality of perinatal infants are to strength pregnant period healthcare and prenatal diagnosis,prevent complication of pregnancy,detect malformation fetus as early as possible and stop pregnant in time.