发表时间:2014-05-20 浏览次数:1346次
杨仁祥 、不同家庭收入新兵内外控和应对方式的研究、[J].中国美容医学,2010,19(1):
(解放军第一八七医院 海南 海口 571159)
目的:了解贫困家庭新兵内外控和应对方式特点,探讨贫困与非贫困家庭新兵内外控和应对方式的差异,为新兵心理健康教育提供依据。方法:采用控制圈(SOC)量表的第一分量表和简易应对方式量表对某省军区2009年1689名新训新兵进行测评。结果:贫困与非贫困家庭新兵在内外控和积极应对方面存在显著差异,在消极应对方面差异不具统计学意义;贫困家庭新兵的内外控与积极应对呈正相关,与消极应对呈负相关。 结论:相对于非贫困家庭新兵而言,强的内在控制与更多的采用积极的应对方式是贫困家庭新兵有优势的人格品质。 Objective:To compare the difference in the internal-external control and coping style between impoverished soldiers and normal soldiers. Methods:1689 normal soldiers and 235 impoverished soldiers were investigated by SOC and Simplify Coping Style Questionare. Results:In the SOC test, there is remarkable difference between them. In the coping style test, the score of positive coping of the impoverished soldier were higher than the normal soldier. There is little deference in score of the negative coping between them. There is significant correlation between impoverished soldiers’ internal-external control and coping style. Conclusion:the internal-external control and coping style of the impoverished soldiers are better than normal soldiers’.