发表时间:2014-05-21 浏览次数:1183次
文红英,杨 艳,王亚莉 等。护理人文关怀在胸心外科监护室护患沟通中的作用。[J].中国美容医学,2010,19(1)、196-197
文红英 杨 艳 王亚莉 孙雪梅 苟 静 崔丽君
(川北医学院附属医院胸外科 四川 南充 637000) 070307,四川省卫生厅课题,题目:“护患
目的:探讨护理人文关怀在监护室护患沟通中的作用,对病人实施人性化护理服务的效果。方法:选取心胸外科择期手术病人420例,随机分成观察组和常规组各210例,观察组采用人文关怀护理,常规组采用传统方法,比较两组患者术前心理状态、遵医行为结果,对ICU护理服务的满意度。结果:观察组与常规组有显著差异,且满意度为98%,明显高于常规组。 结论: 重症监护术前访视及术后随访能有效缓解病人紧张焦虑情绪,以及患者的遵医行为,密切了护患关系,提高了整体护理质量,减少了并发症,利于病人术后康复,缩短了住院时间。 Objective:To explore the nursing care the humanistic solicitude in the role of communication, the patient actualizing nursing service. Methods: 420 patients with thoracic surgeons electie colorectal surgery were randomly divided into observation group and conventional group, the group using 210 humanistic care, adopting the traditional method, the conventional group comparison of two groups of patients, and according to the psychological state of preoperative medical behavior in the ICU, nursing service satisfaction. Results: the observation group and conventional group there were significant differences, and satisfaction, obviously higher than conventional for 98%. Conclusion: the critical care preoperative and postoperative follow-up visit can effectively relieve patients nervous anxiety, and the patient’s medical act as a shield, closing relationship between the holistic nursing ,quality improving, reducing complications, benefiting to the patient postoperative rehabilitation, shortening the length of hospitalization.