发表时间:2014-05-21 浏览次数:1065次
梁红 许岚 武秀芳 杨晓霞
(沈阳医学院中医教研室 沈阳 110002)
作为两种不同的理论体系,自古以来,中医与西医就各有长短,难以包容。本文以历史唯物主义与辩证唯物主义为指导,以自然科学发展规律为依据,以新的教学理念为契机,在总结中西医结合的发展历程中,探讨新的西医院校中医教学改革的方式,提出改革意见:明确中医教学的目的、改革教学方法与模式、教材编写与教学安排、以促进中医学教学的改革。 Since old times, as two different theoretical system, Chinese medicine and Western medicine had their own advantage respectively. In this paper, historical materialism and dialectical materialism as a guide, the development of natural law as the basis, new teaching concept as an opportunity, at the conclusion of the course of development of integrative medicine, to explore new way of medical college and teaching approach Reform: a clear purpose of Chinese education, the reform of teaching methods and models, preparing teaching materials and arrangements, to promote the reform of medical teaching.