发表时间:2014-05-13 浏览次数:1371次
红斑狼疮,系统性; 脊髓疾病
戴逸君 刘晴 何菁 栗占国
目的 探讨系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)合并脊髓病变的临床特点、治疗方法及预后。方法回顾性分析北京大学人民医院风湿免疫科19⒇-2011年住院的10例合并脊髓病变的比E患者的临床资料,并进行文献复习。结果10例比E合并脊髓病变的患者均为女性,年龄⒛ ~53岁,病程 1~18年。3例患者行脊髓MRI检查,其中1例表现为胸8、胸9椎体内有小类圆形长” 信号影,2例表现为正常信号。10例患者中7例接受甲泼尼龙冲击联合免疫抑制剂治疗,2例单用甲泼尼龙冲击治疗,1例接受甲泼尼龙、环磷酰胺及血浆置换治疗,4例完全缓解,4例部分缓解,2例无明显缓解。结论脊髓病变是SLE较少见的严重并发症之一,多于乩E早期发病,发病年龄小,预后差。糖皮质激素冲击联合环磷酰胺治疗有效,早期积极干预有助改善预后。 Objective To analˇ clitllc dinical fcdtures,tlleraFly and otltcome of systcmic lupus clythematosus(SLE)combined with lupus myelopathy(LM) Me山ods Ten SLE paticn“ combincd with LM trcatcd in Dcpartmcnt of Rheumatolo⒏ and Immunlllogy, Pcople′ s Hospltal f1· om1990to20I1 were retrr,spcctivcly analyzcd and43 cascs of SLE combincd lsiith I'M rePoncd homc and abroad werc reviewed. ResuIts A11the ten patients wcre women witll age of23~s3(369± 34)years old and duration of 1-18 ycars MRI of spinal cord rcvcalcd long T2 signal in onc casc, and normal in two cases Scvcn paticntsrecehed methlilprednisolone pulse plus cyclophosphamide(CTⅩ ),two werc gllIen glucocoliic0d pulse only,and onc was givcⅡ modcratc dosagc of glucocoliicclld,CTⅩ and plasma cxchange(PE) Thc resuhs revcalcd that four patients received complete recoVery, four receivcd panial rccovcly, and tlsio rcCcived no iFnprovemcnt ConcIusions LlVI is a rarc but scvcrc comphcation of SLE with poor Prognosis, which usua11y occurs in ea1·ly phase of young SI'E patien1s Pulse methylprednisolone and CTX may be cffcctivc Early and activc trcatmcnt may improve the outcome.