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发表时间:2010-06-23  浏览次数:433次

  作者:李熳 张志广  (天津医科大学第二附属医院消化内科,天津 300211)

  摘 要 目的:测定腹水患者治疗前后的CA125浓度变化并比较良恶性腹水之间CA125水平差异。方法:60例患者测定治疗前后的CA125浓度,其中良性腹水38例,恶性腹水22例。结果:随腹水量的减退,CA125浓度有明显下降,良恶性腹水患者其CA125浓度相比无差异性。结论:血清CA125浓度与腹水良恶性无关,而与腹水存在有关,并随腹水量减少而下降。

  关键词 CA125;良性腹水;恶性腹水

  To Evaluate the Serum CA125 Level before and after Treatment of Ascites

  LI Man,ZHANG Zhiguang

  (Department of Digestive,the Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University,Tianjin 300211,China)

  Abstract Objective: To evaluate the serum CA125 levelsbefore and after treatment of ascites and to compare it in the benign with that in malignant ascites. Methods: To evaluate the serum CA125 before and after treatment in the 60 patients,including 38 benign patients and 22 malignant patients.Results: The level of CA125 manifest an obvious descent with the decrease of the volume of ascitesThere exists no difference in the serum CA125 level between benign and malignant cases. Conclusion: The serum CA125 level has no relation with the quality of ascites,rather, bears on the existence of ascites itself.

  Key words CA125;benign ascites;malignant ascites


  1 对象与方法

  1.1 研究对象 选取我院2003年2月至2005年1月以腹水原因待查而收入院的患者60例(入院前均经B超检查证实有中等量腹水存在),男42例,女18例,平均年龄59岁。经入院详细诊治后,确诊为良性腹水38例,男28例,女10例,平均年龄56岁,其中肝硬化34例,结核性腹膜炎4例;恶性腹水22例,男14例,女8例,平均年龄64岁,并经妇科B超及CT除外妇科肿瘤,其中胃癌7例,肝癌9例,结肠癌6例。

  1.2 方法 所有患者入院后均于隔日清晨采静脉血测定血清CA125浓度。入院后经过利尿、抽取腹水治疗,腹水均有不同程度减少,并经B超证实,10天后再次于清晨采静脉血测定血清CA125浓度。检测血清CA125应用化学发光法。

  1.3 统计学处理 计量资料采用均数±标准差来表示,采用配对t检验。

  2 结果


  3 讨论





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