发表时间:2012-07-06 浏览次数:591次
作者:赵璧君,金振晓,陈敏,朱萧玲,雷兰萍,周 作者单位:第四军医大学附属西京医院,1.心脏外科;2.麻醉科,陕西 西安 710032
【摘要】 目的 观察深低温停循环过程中肺部温度的变化规律,为深低温停循环过程中肺保护提供参考。方法 4例在深低温停循环下行主动脉弓部手术的患者纳入本研究,全麻完成后,经右侧颈外静脉穿刺置入Swan-Ganz导管,导管气囊漂入肺动脉,测试可以测定肺毛细血管嵌压后,气囊充气,远端温度探头可以测定手术过程中肺深部温度,同时监测鼻咽温度和直肠温度。结果 4例深低温停循环手术患者的肺部温度可降低到16.6℃,接近鼻咽温度16.4℃,在降温过程中比鼻咽温略低,在复温过程中比鼻咽温略高。结论 深低温停循环过程中,肺部温度可达到深低温要求。
【关键词】 体外循环;深低温停循环;低温
Primary Investigation of Pulmonary Temperature Changes inPatients Undergoing Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest
ZHAO Bi-jun1, JIN Zhen-xiao1, CHEN Min2, ZHU Xiao-lin2,
LEI Lan-ping1, ZHOU He-ping1, YI Ding-hua1
(1.Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery;2.Depatement of Anesthesiology,
Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Shaanxi Xi'an 710032, China)
Abstract: OBJECTIVE To observe pulmonary temperature change in patients Undergoing aortic arch surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA). METHODS Four patients with type Ⅰ acute aortic dissection who underwent aortic arch surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) were enrolled in this study. Swan-Ganz catheter was advanced into pulmonary artery before operation. When catheter balloon was inflated, the thermo sensor in the tip of the catheter could be used to record pulmonary temperature, anal and nasopharyngeal temperatures were also recorded during CPB and DHCA. RESULTS The pulmonary temperatures of the 4 patients were cooled down to 16.6℃, which were almost equal to their nasopharyngeal temperatures of 16.4℃. Generally, pulmonary temperature changed parallel with nasopharyngeal temperature, and it was a little lower than nasopharyngeal temperature during cooling down period and a little higher than nasopharyngeal temperature during warming up period. CONCLUSION Pulmonary temperature can be cooled down to deep hypothermia during aortic arch surgery with CPB and DHCA.
Key words: Cardiopulmonary bypass;Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest;Hypothermia
对于累及主动脉弓部的Ⅰ型主动脉夹层需要采用人工血管进行主动脉弓部置换,深低温停循环(deep hypothermic circulatory arrest,DHCA)技术在主动脉弓部手术过程经常采用,有报道表明,DHCA主动脉弓部手术后肺部并发症的发生率可以高达15%~20%,有学者认为这可能与手术过程中肺部降温不充分有关,本研究目的是明确DHCA过程中肺部温度的变化规律,为DHCA中肺保护提供参考。
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料 2008年4月到6月,我科完成Ⅰ型主动脉夹层手术4例,其中男性3例,女性1例,年龄40~55(46.3)岁,体重62~80(71)kg。1例合并主动脉瓣关闭不全,1例合并心包积液和双侧胸腔积液,均为血性液体,其中3例有多年高血压病史。
1.2 手术方式和体外循环(cardiopulmonary bypass,CPB)方式 2例为主动脉弓置换并降主动脉内支架植入,1例为Bentall术并主动脉弓置换并降主动脉内支架植入,1例行单纯主动脉弓部置换术。CPB的建立均采用右侧腋动脉插管和上下腔静脉插管,上下腔静脉均不阻闭,CPB降温过程中完成Bentall手术或者主动脉近端吻合,心肌保护方法为冷血心脏停搏液冠状动脉直接灌注,DHCA时,阻闭无名动脉,按照10 ml/kg流量行大脑局部灌注,完成降主动脉血管内支架植入和远端血管吻合。经4头人工血管灌注分支及腋动脉插管进行全身灌注,同时恢复冠状动脉灌注。3例患者心脏自动复跳,1例患者电击复跳。逐渐复温,复温过程中完成右侧无名动脉、左侧颈总动脉与人工血管分支的吻合,左侧无名动脉结扎。启动超滤,逐渐提高红细胞比容,保证组织氧供。鼻咽温度恢复到37℃以上,直肠温度恢复到35℃以上后,逐渐停机。
1.3 术中监测 全麻诱导完成后,上下肢动脉穿刺监测血压,经右侧颈外静脉穿刺置入Swan-Ganz导管,导管气囊漂入肺动脉内,测试可以测定肺毛细血管嵌压后,气囊充气,远端温度探头可以测定手术过程中肺深部温度,同时监测鼻咽温度和直肠温度。
2 结 果
2.1 临床结果 全部患者手术顺利,安全返回ICU病房,于手术当日清醒,无神经并发症出现,次日停止呼吸机辅助呼吸,ICU监护时间3~4(3.25)d,1例单纯主动脉弓置换患者于术后7 d发生腹主动脉夹层破裂死亡(死亡率25%)。其余3例恢复顺利,未发生其它并发症。
2.2 CPB与体温变化规律 CPB时间148~262(211)min,心脏停搏时间53~103(79)min,DHCA并脑灌注时间26~51(37)min,降温时间42~100(59)min,复温时间60~117(94)min。各患者鼻咽温度、肺深部温度和直肠温度随时间变化见表1。表1 DHCA患者术中温度变化情况
3 讨 论
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