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发表时间:2009-06-24  浏览次数:590次

作者:金丽明 郑江文 朱晓峰 胡奕卿 汤晓阳 许龙根    作者单位:1.中国人民解放军117医院 杭州 310013 2.中国水电十二局总医院

【摘要】  [目的]探讨以阑尾炎为首发表现的结肠癌的漏诊发生原因并总结诊治经验。[方法]收集本院1995.5至2005.9之间以阑尾炎为首发症状的结肠癌患者9例,并对临床资料进行分析。[结果] 所有的病例临床表现为阑尾炎,经术中仔细探查和或术后追踪检查确诊为结肠癌。[结论]对阑尾炎病要进行全面的病情分析和动态观察,是减少误诊的关键。

【关键词】  阑尾炎;结肠癌;诊治

  The Diagnosis and Treatment of Colon Cancer Presenting Appendicitis

  Jin Liming, Zheng Jiangwen,Zhu Xiaofeng, et al   1.The 117th Hospital of PLA, Hangzhou(310013), Zhejiang, China;

  2.The General Hospital of the 12th Bureau of China Waterpower

  Abstract: [Objective] To investigate the reasons of misdiagnosis of colon cancer complicated with appendicitis and to sum up the experience of diagnosis. [Methods] Between May 1995 and September 2005, 1060 cases with appendicitis were undergone appendectomy. However, of them, 9 cases complicated with colon cancer had confirmative diagnosis during the operation or after, performed successfully suitable operations. [Results] All of 9 cases were misdiagnosed as appendicitis and undertook appendectomy for similar clinical traits. According to the signs of exploration in the appendectomy and the analysis of patient history, clinic characteristic and some radiologic features, we acquired confirmative signs of carcinoma and put up reasonable surgical intervention. [Conclusion] There are some imperative measures to decrease misdiagnosis by analyzing clinical manifestations comprehensively, observation dynamically, exploration in the appendectomy, and effective examination. Among them, the key to reduce misdiagnosis rate is exploration during the period of appendectomy.

  Key words: appendicitis; colon cancer; diagnosis and treatment


  1  临床资料

    本组9例中,男 5例,女 4 例;年龄40~78岁,平均40.9岁。本组患者的主要临床表现及体征为:转移性右下腹痛 7例,非转移性右下腹痛2例,亚急性或慢性右下腹痛5例,恶心呕吐 6 例,发热5例,右下腹压痛9例,反跳痛 5例,贫血1例,有大便习惯改变2例,右下腹包块2例,大便潜血阳性 1例。

  2  治疗方法及结果


  3  讨论

  3.1   结肠癌并发阑尾的机制


 3.2   漏诊原因


  3.3   防范措施


【参考文献】    [1]Kirshenbaum M, Mishra V, Kuo D, et al. Resolving appendicitis: role of CT[J].Abdom Imaging,2003,28(2):276-279.

  [2]Jacobs JE,Birnbaum BA.CT of inflammatory disease of the colon[J].Semin Ultrasound CT MR,1995,16(2):91-101.
