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发表时间:2012-12-13  浏览次数:822次

作者                作者单位

明春梅      湖北省枣阳市第一人民医院

赵勇        湖北省枣阳市第一人民医院

宋军俊      湖北省枣阳市第一人民医院

徐秋焕    湖北省枣阳市第一人民医院

Repeated subcutaneous injection of insulin in the treatment of 70 cases with type 2 diabetes MING Chun-mei,ZHAO Yong,SONG Jun-jun,et al (The First People′s Hospital of Zaoyang City,Hubei Province,Zaoyang 441200,China)

Abstract:ObjectiveTo observe the effects of subcutaneous injection of insulin several times (MSII) and continuous subcutaneous insulin insulin pump (CSII) in the strengthen treatment of type 2 diabetes,controling blood sugar,the insulin dosage,the incidence of low blood sugar and in-patient costs.MethodChoice of 70 cases with type 2 diabetes using insulin pump randomly continuous subcutaneous insulin (CSII) or multiple subcutaneous injection of insulin (MSII) treatment,according to the results of blood glucose monitoring and timely adjustment of insulin dosage.ResultsCSII and MSII are able to target blood glucose quickly,CSII standard time,a relatively small amount of insulin,hypoglycemia occurred in fewer,but more MSII high hospitalization costs.ConclusionThe intensive insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes can be safe and effective in the short term to make the ideal blood sugar control,MSII primary hospital for the treatment of patients to reduce hospitalization costs.

Key Words:Type 2 diabetes;Regular insulin;Insulin pumps;Several times subcutaneously;Continuous subcutaneous infusion;Lifestyle intervention


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料:选择70例2型糖尿病患者,均符合1999年WHO诊断标准,空腹血糖>11.1 mmol/L,餐后2 h血糖>16.7 mmol/L。分为CS Ⅱ组35例,男25例,女10例,年龄35~68岁,平均57.5岁;MS Ⅱ组35例,男18例,女17例,年龄37~75岁,平均53.5岁。

1.2 治疗方法:所有患者在适当运动、严格饮食控制基础上,给予胰岛素强化治疗2周,CSII组采用胰岛素泵(美国美敦力minimed712),连续注射重组人胰岛素注射液(诺和灵R,丹麦诺和诺德公司生产,100 U/ml),MSII组于三餐前及零晨3:00时注射正规胰岛素(RI 400 U/10 ml江苏万邦集团)。根据血糖情况调整胰岛素用量,采用美国强生公司稳步型血糖仪测定末梢血糖。

1.3 血糖控制标准:空腹血糖4.4~6.1 mmol/L,餐后2 h血糖4.4~8.0 mmol/L,年龄≥65岁患者放宽至空腹血糖≤7.0 mmol/L,餐后2 h血糖≤10 mmol/L。

1.4 观察指标:比较两组治疗前后空腹血糖(FPG)及餐后2 h血糖,两组血糖达标时间、胰岛素用量、低血糖(血糖<2.8 mmol/L)发生次数、平均住院费用。

1.5 统计学方法:采用SPSS统计软件处理,计量资料数据用均数±标准差(x±s)表示,两组样本均数的比较采用独立样本t检验。表1 两组患者治疗情况比较(x±s)

2 结果


3 讨论




[1] Chante E,Schiffers T,Schutze J.Effect of patient-selected intensive insulin therapy on quality of life[J].Patient Educ Couns,1997,30(1):167.
