- Current and future application...
- Although nanotechnology is a relatively young field, there are countless biomedical applications in use or under investigation. Many specialties have ... [详细]
- Progressive drain withdrawal w...
- Drains are traditionally used in a variety of surgical procedures; [1],[2] although there is limited evidence of thei... [详细]
- Options for thumb revasculariz...
- Traumatic injuries to the thumb resulting in segmental loss of a digital artery are not uncommon. To bridge the gap and repair a transacted digital ar... [详细]
- Management of extensive intrap...
- Treatment of large soft tissue vascular lesions remains one of the greatest challenges in modern plastic surgery. The extent of the disease and the in... [详细]
- Internal derangement of tempor...
- Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of arthrocentesis with arthrocentesis plus steroid in the treatment of temporomandibular joint ... [详细]
- Comparison between four treatm...
- Aim: The study aimed at the painful trigger points (TrPs) for the purpose of ablating muscle spasms and restoring normal muscle length to find the mos... [详细]