发表时间:2014-06-10 浏览次数:1164次
探讨利用鼻唇沟皮瓣(nasolabial flap)修复鼻部及其周围组织缺损后重建的实用性和优越性。方法:用鼻唇沟皮瓣修复鼻部及其周围组织缺损15例。最大缺损面积约3.OcⅢ×2.0cm。皮瓣沿鼻唇沟走行方向设计,蒂宽度、长度及方向根据缺损的范围及具体部位确定。结果:15例皮瓣全部成活,多数外形恢复满意,皮瓣质地、色泽均与周围皮肤接近,触痛觉及温度觉存在。鼻唇沟瓣取材方便,供区瘢痕隐蔽,术区及供区畸形不明显。结论:鼻唇沟皮瓣是面部缺损修复的方有效方法。 0bjective To investigate the application of nasolabial flap and its benefit for repairing soft tissue defects in nose and nose—near. Methods A nas01abial sulcus flap was used to repair the defects of nose and lip in 15 cases. The largest defective area was about 3.Ocm×2.0cm. The flap was designed along the direc— tion of the nasolabial sulcus. The pedicle width, length and its direction were detemined by the area of the defect and its position. Results A1l the nas01abial sulcus flaps survived in a11 15 cases. A11 patients were satisfied with the po§toperative appearance and color, tacti 1e sensation, algesthesia and thermesthesia. Using flaps froⅢthe nas01abial sulcus was convenient. The scar in donor site was concealed and no abnormal ity was formed. Conclusion These data confirmed that using a nas01abial sulcus flap is a good choice for repair of de— fects of the nose and 1ip.