发表时间:2014-07-09 浏览次数:1199次
肾结石; 输尿管结石; 经皮肾镜; 输尿管镜;
目的:评价经皮肾镜联合输尿管镜治疗肾结石合并同侧输尿管结石的安全性、有效性及优越性。方法:我院于2009年5月~2012年12月采用经皮肾镜联合输尿管镜治疗92例肾结石合并同侧输尿管结石。其中输尿管上段结石28例、输尿管中段结石34例、输尿管下段结石30例。结果:本组92例中85例一期成功碎石,7例二期成功碎石。无严重并发症发生。手术时间:30~125min,平均72min。术后5~7天复查B超及腹部平片,结石完全清除85例(92.4%),7例二期手术清除残余结石。术后住院时间8~11d,平均9d。结论:经皮肾镜联合输尿管镜治疗肾结石合并同侧输尿管结石是安全的、高效的,同时具有一次性解决输尿管结石和肾结石的优越性 Objective; To ecaluatethe aafety. efficiency and superioriy of Percutancous Vephrostomym- bined with Ureteroscope in Treatment of calculus kidney Complicated with homolateral ureter .1ltlethod Ninety-two patients with calculus of kidney:rdtontolateral urcter stone wet。treated by Percutancous Nephsto- my Combined with Ureteroscope in our hospital from May 2009.December 3012. In the patients, upper uretcral calculis were found in28parents:The middle ureteral calcul、were ferd in31 patienta; lower ureteral calculis were found in 30 patients. Result:ore pha the operations were successlully completed in 8 patients without se- were complications.and the clearance rate of stones in one phase were (8) Two一stage operations successfully completed in other 7 patients. The tear oporation were 8一11 davs time in the series was 2 min (ranged from 30 to 12,E min) phrostomy The Length of stay after the operation ,and average 9 days. Conclusion:Pcrcutaneous Nc Combined with Ureteroscope t5 safe, effective and superieriry (or patients with calculis of kidney Com plicated with homolateral ureter stone