广东省佛山市南海区交通事故致颅脑损伤的流行病学分析 (2010年~2012年)
发表时间:2014-01-21 浏览次数:1002次
广东省中西医结合医院神经外科,广东 佛山 528200
目的:研究和分析广东省佛山市南海区交通事故致颅脑损伤的流行病学,为有关部门提供建议和科学依据.方法:从收集的相关数据,结合收治的交通事故致颅脑损伤的患者进行流行病学分析.结果:交通事故致颅脑损伤的受伤害者以男性青壮年 20~50岁居多,男女比例为2.11:1.伤害事故高峰期主要集中在早晚上和晚间在22:00~2:00之间.伤害者所使用交通工具首先是摩托车,达49.3%,其次是自行车、步行者.三年来总体受伤死亡人数呈下降逐渐下降的趋势,但是交通事故致颅脑损伤占全部伤害人数的比例、颅脑损伤致死占总死亡人数比例却呈逐年增长的水平,特别是颅脑损伤致死占总死亡人数比例增加较明显.结论:对青壮年群体加强学习,"驾考"严格把关.全面"禁摩"彻底杜绝摩托车造成交通事故.加强执法力度,使广大市民自觉守法. Objective Epidemiological studies and analysis of craniocerebral injury caused by traffic accident in Guangdong Province,Nanhai District,Foshan City,provide advice and scientific basis for the departments concerned.Methods The related data collection,epidemiological analysis were combined with craniocerebral traffic injury patients.Results The young men with 20 to 50 years old the injury of brain injury caused by traffic accidents,the male to female ratio was 2.11:1.Accidents are mainly concentrated in the morning and evening peak and evening in 22:00~2:00.Hurt by transportation is the first motorcycle,reached 49.3%,followed by bicycle,pedestrian.Three years the overall injury death toll downward trend of gradual decline,but the brain injuries in the traffic accidents accounted for the proportion of the number of injuries,traumatic brain injury lethal total deaths was increasing year by year level,especially the craniocerebral injury death accounted for the total death toll increased significantly.Conclusion Strengthen learning "road traffic safety law" on the young and middle-aged groups,"test" strictly. Comprehensive "motorcycles" eradicate motorcycle accidents.Strengthen law enforcement efforts,so that the general public to consciously abide by the law.