发表时间:2014-01-21 浏览次数:994次
李 启,郭掬华.腋路臂丛神经两点与两侧阻滞临床研究应用[J].吉林医学,2013,34(36):7584-7585.
李 启,郭掬华
四川省射洪县人民医院,四川 射洪 629200
目的:科学阻滞腋路臂丛神经,使之达到完全阻滞,减轻手术过程中患者的痛苦,减少术中辅助用药的应用,克服常规阻滞法的缺点,为手术创造更优的条件。方法:采用腋动脉两侧进针进行阻滞,将药液分注在腋动脉的两侧,注药过程中加压腋鞘远端,注药后立即回收上肢贴于躯干。结果:阻滞侧腋路臂丛神经达到了完全阻滞,阻滞时间平均每例延长1.5 h,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05),且麻醉阻滞平面有所上升。结论:腋路臂丛神经两点、两侧阻滞法是腋路臂丛神经科学的阻滞方法,克服了常规阻滞法的缺点,减轻了患者痛苦,为手术创造了更优的条件,有推广应用价值。 Objective Science block of axillary brachial plexus,so as to achieve the complete block,reduce patient pain in the process of operation,reduce the application of adjuvant intraoperative,overcome the conventional block method shortcoming,to create better conditions for the operation.Methods Using both sides of the axillary artery into the needle block,both sides will liquid injection in the axillary artery,axillary sheath distal pressure injection process,injection immediately after the recovery of upper limb is attached to the trunk.Results The block side axillary brachial plexus to completely block,block time per patient extended for 1.5 h,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05),and increased levels of anesthesia.Conclusion Axillary brachial plexus block,two sides is block of axillary brachial plexus science,and overcomes the block method,to reduce the pain of patients,to create better conditions for the operation,and has a wide application value.