发表时间:2014-02-10 浏览次数:936次
江苏省无锡市锡山人民医院普外科,江苏 无锡 214011
目的:评价Lichtenstein平片无张力疝修补术疗效。方法:回顾分析2010年1月~2011年12月我院普外科130例单侧腹股沟疝Lichtenstein修补术。其中,右侧腹股沟疝79例(60.7%),左侧腹股沟疝51例(39.3%)。腹股沟斜疝116例(89.3%),腹股沟直疝13例(10.0%),复合疝1例(0.7%),复发疝5例(3.8%),嵌顿性疝7例(5.3%)。手术均由同组医师完成,随访6~30个月。结果:所有130例患者手术均取得了成功。术后2例患者出现阴囊血肿,保守治疗吸收。12例患者术后出现术区疼痛,需要口服止痛药物,2~5d疼痛均明显缓解。无切口感染和补片置入区发生感染病例。2例患者术侧腹股沟区域有麻木感,6个月随访时1例已缓解,1例好转。1例患者发生慢性疼痛需要门诊止痛处理。结论:Lichtenstein平片无张力疝修补术是一种成熟、容易开展和掌握的手术。 Objective To evaluate effection of Lichtenstein tension - free hernioplasty. Method a retrospective analysis of 130 cases ofunilateral Lichtenstein inguinal hernia repair in Department of general surgery of our hospital between January 2010 and December 2011, Including the right inguinal hernia in 79 cases ( 60. 7% ) , left inguinal hernia in 51 cases ( 39. 3% ) . There 116 cases of indirect inguinalhernia ( 89. 3% ) , 13 cases of direct inguinal hernia( 10%) and 1 case of complex hernia ( 0. 7% ) , including 5 cases of recurrent hernia( 3. 8% ) and 7 cases of strangulated hernia ( 5. 3% ) . All the operations were performed by the doctors of the same group, with the follow- up of 6 -30 months. Results All the 130 patients had successful operations. Postoperative hematoma of scrotum occurred in 2 patients,with successfully treatment conservatively. 12 patients felt pain after the operations. pain relieved in 2 - 5 days. Infection of incision andpatch placement area didn′t happened. 2 patients with inguinal region side felt numbly, with one patient feeling better and the other relievingin 6 months follow - up. One patient with chronic pain needed analgesic treatment. Conclusion Lichtenstein tension - free hernioplasty isan mature operation easy to develop and master.