发表时间:2014-01-16 浏览次数:860次
目的:探讨配偶同步健康教育对提高宫颈上皮内瘤变患者术后性生活质量的效果。方法:选择宫颈上皮内瘤变患者232例及其配偶或性伴侣232人,依据随机原则分为对照组116例和观察组116例,对照组实施常规健康教育,观察组实施配偶同步健康教育,比较两组患者开展健康教育前后的焦虑、抑郁自评值及性生活状况满意度。结果:实施健康教育前,两组相关指标比较差异无统计学意义;实施健康教育后,与对照组相比,观察组焦虑、抑郁自评值明显降低,性生活满意度提高。结论:配偶同步健康教育能提高宫颈上皮内瘤变患者术后性生活的质量。 Effect of spouse synchronous health education on improving the quality of sexual life for patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) after operation XU Zhao-dan (Obstetrical and Gynecological Hospital Affiliated to Medical Hospital of Zhejiang City, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310006, China ) Abstract:ObjectiveTo explore the effect of spouse synchronous health education on improving the quality of sexual life for patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) after operation. MethodsAccording to the random principle, 232 cases of CIN patients and their spouses or sexual partner were divided into 116 cases of control group and 116 cases of observation group.The control group was implemented routine health education, and the observation group carried out spouse synchronous health education. The anxiety, depression self evaluation value and sexual satisfaction were compared between the two groups before and after health education. ResultsBefore carrying out health education, there was no statistical significance on the indexes such as anxiety, depression self evaluation value and sexual satisfaction between the two groups. While, after carrying out health education, the anxiety and depression self evaluation value were reduced significantly and the sexual satisfaction was significantly improved in the observation group compared with the control group,ConclusionSpouse synchronous health education can improve the quality of sexual life for patients with CIN after operation.