发表时间:2014-01-16 浏览次数:857次
高建勇1,田云霞2(1.北京京北健永口腔医院,北京 101400;2.怀柔区中医院,北京 10140
目的:评估CDIC、BLB与ITI三种系统在口腔种植应用中的有效性及安全性。方法:将接受口腔种植的1 182例患者随机 均分三组,每组394例,分别使用CDIC、BLB与ITI三种系统完成种植操作,共植入种植体2 694颗。随访3年后统计并比较种植成功 率、种植成功患者的满意程度及并发症发生率。结果:CDIC组、BLB组手术成功率分别为97.7%、96.8%,略高于ITI组的95.0%,差异 有统计学意义(P<0.05);在种植成功的患者中三组满意率均在80%以上,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);三种系统术后并发症发生 率极低,且差距不大。结论:CDIC、BLB种植系统种植成功率略高于ITI系统,对于一般性口腔种植手术,值得推广。 Objective To evaluate CDIC,BLB and ITI three system implant efficacy in oral.Methods Randomly divided 1 182 patients received oral implants in three groups,each group of 394 cases,the use of CDIC,BLB and ITI three system were completed planting operation,2694 dental implants were implanted.After 3 years of follow-up and comparison of statistical planting satisfaction and success rate,complications of success rate of patients undergoing.Results In CDIC group, BLB group,operation success rate were 97.7%,96.8%,slightly higher than the 95% in the ITI group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05);in the growing success in three of the patients were more than 80% satisfaction rate,no significant difference(P>0.05);after the operation and three system complication rate is very low,and the gap is not.Conclusion CDIC,BLB implant system implant success rate is slightly higher than that of ITI system,the general dental implant operation,worthy of promotion.