发表时间:2014-01-20 浏览次数:472次
缩宫素鼻喷雾剂 知识脉络 缩宫素 知识脉络 剖宫产术 知识脉络 产后出血 知识脉络
目的:比较应用缩宫素注射液肌内注射与缩宫素鼻喷雾剂喷鼻用于剖宫产术后预防产后出血的疗效及药物的不良反应.方法:选择76 例足月子宫下段横切口剖宫产术产妇,组成样本,随机分为两组,第一组(38 例)于剖宫产术后肌内注射缩宫素注射液10 U,每隔6小时1次;第二组(38 例)于剖宫产术后用缩宫素鼻喷雾剂对产妇两侧鼻孔各喷入1 喷,每隔6小时1次.比较两组产妇术后2 h及24 h出血量;观察及比较用药前后红细胞、血红蛋白及血细胞比容的变化;观察用药后全身及局部不良反应.结果:两组产妇用药后,产后2小时及产后24小时阴道出血量比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).两组产妇术前与术后24小时血常规的红细胞、血红蛋白及血细胞比容的变化比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).缩宫素注射液组用药后全身不良反应的发生率高于缩宫素鼻喷雾剂组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),缩宫素注射液组几乎全部出现注射部位剧烈疼痛,缩宫素鼻喷雾剂组用药后未发现局部不良反应.结论:两组患者产后出血量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),缩宫素注射液组全身及局部不良反应发生率高于缩宫素鼻喷雾剂组. ObjectiveCesarean section application ofoxytocin and oxytocin nasal spray for the prevention and treatment ofhemorrhage after cesarean section.Method76 patients with lower uterine segment cesarean section interm pregnant women were randomly divided into 2 groups,group 1 (38cases) in the uterus after delivery of the baby intramuscular oxytocin 10 U,once enery6h,group 2 (38 cases) in patients with reduced maternal oxytocinnasalspray on both sides of the nose spray injected into 1.Spray once every 6h.Compared blood loss after operation,indexes ofblood routine test and drug reactions.ResultsThere was no statistical difference with blood loss andindexes of blood routine test after operation in the two groups(P<0.05).There was markedly statistical difference with systemic adversereactions(P<0.05).Gorup1 was higher than Group2.Almost all of the group 1 appear local pain,but there was no localdrug reactions in group 2.ConclusionTherewas no significant difference of the postpartum hemorrhage in the two groups(P>0.05).But there was significant difference with the systemic adversereactions and local