发表时间:2014-01-15 浏览次数:460次
韦玉萍 ,谭小平 ,李伟芳
(1.广东省博罗县长宁镇中心卫生院妇产科,广东 博罗 516133,2.广东省博罗县妇幼保健院,
目的:探讨妊娠晚期阴道微生态环境与妊娠结局的关系。方法:对120例妊娠晚期的孕妇行常规的产前检查,分析阴道微生态状况,联合唾液酸苷酶活性(SNA)、过氧化氢浓度(H2O2)及白细胞酯酶(LE)三项指标进行阴道微生态学评价。再跟踪随访其足月正常儿、早产、低出生体重儿、宫内感染、胎膜早破四种不良妊娠结局的发生率。结果:120例孕妇检测出正常微生态者35例(29.17%),SNA(-)微生态失调42例(35.0%),单纯性微生态失衡26例(21.67%),BV 17例(14.17%)。SNA(-)微生态失调组、单纯性微生态失衡组及BV组的妊娠不良结局发生率均明显高于正常微生态组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:随着阴道微生态环境的恶化,其妊娠不良结局发生率越高。 To investigate the correlation ship of vaginal microflora in the third-trimester and the outcomes of pregnancy.Methods There were 120 cases of pregnant women in our hospital who were in the third-trimester taken prenatal routine vaginal check,analyze the vaginal microflora statues,three index of neuraminidase activity(SNA),the concentration of hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) and leukocyte esterase(LE) were jointed to evaluate vaginal microecologyl.Then the four incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes of full-term normal children,premature birth,low birth weight infant,intrauterine infection,premature rupture of membranes were followed up.Results 35 cases(29.17%) of the normal microecological were detected from 120 cases of pregnant women,the SNA(-) dysbiosis was 42 cases(35.0%),simple micro-ecological imbalance was 26 cases(21.67%),BV was 17 cases(14.17%).The incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes of the SNA(-) dysbiosis group,simple microecology imbalance group and BV group were significantly higher than the normal microecological group,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes were higher with the deterioration of vaginal microflora environment.