发表时间:2014-01-15 浏览次数:644次
李智君 钱丹 成琳
广东省广州市越秀区儿童医院,广东 广州 510115
目的:提高患儿在腹泻病治疗中药物的合理使用,探索社区儿童药学监护工作的思路与方法。方法:抽取门诊儿童腹泻病伴发热患儿60例做试验研究,对患儿监护人进行指导,对药品的使用进行监测及指导。对照组60例患儿进行随访统计,把两组治疗用药依从性,疗程,治疗药物正确使用问卷测试及治疗满意度问卷调查的结果进行统计学处理。结果:试验组与对照组用药依从性百分率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),患儿腹泻痊愈疗程相比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),试验组与对照组的治疗药物正确使用,对治疗满意度问卷得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:药学监护能提高社区儿童腹泻病的疗效,有效缩短儿童腹泻病疗程。 Objective To improve the rational use of drugs in children with diarrhea in children,and explore ideas and methods of pharmaceutical care in community.Methods Experimental Study on 60 cases of fever in children with diarrhea in children with selected from the clinic,to guide with the guardians,monitoring and guidance on the use of medication.A control group of 60 cases were followed up,two groups of treatment compliance of medication,treatment,medication correctly use questionnaire testing and treatment satisfaction questionnaire results were treated statistically.Results The experimental group and the control group of medication compliance rate had significant difference(P<0.05),diarrhea recovery treatment was statistically significant difference(P<0.05),drug test group and control group in the correct use of treatment satisfaction questionnaire score,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Pharmaceutical care can improve the effect of community children diarrhea,shorten the course of treatment of diarrhea in children.