影响Kleihauer Betke实验结果的实验因素分析
发表时间:2014-04-24 浏览次数:669次
杨树法,翟燕红,王文娟.影响Kleihauer Betke实验结果的实验因素分析,2013,34(2)138-142.
胎母输血综合征; Kleihauer-Betke实验; 胎儿红细胞
目的 分析Kleihauer Betke(K-B)实验的影响因素,以更好地诊断胎母输血综合征。方法 分析不同因素对K-B 实验的影响,确定最佳实验条件。以脐带血和静脉血的混合血为检测样本,计算K-B实验的回收率;以优化的K-B 实验检测200例未孕妇女以及100例疑似胎母输血综合征妇女,建立待产妇胎儿红细胞含量的参考值范围。结果 在37 ℃脱色8min、伊红染色60s时,胎儿红细胞和成人红细胞积分光密度的比值最大为10.13±1.17,镜下胎儿红细胞染色呈强粉红色,折光性强,脐带血含量与K-B实验结果的相关系数狉=0.999,回收率为84.75%~96.55%。待产妇胎儿红细胞含量参考值范围为小于0.68%。结论 通过设立阳性对照、阴性对照以及回收率实验建立稳定的K-B实验,能够对胎母输血综合征作出正确诊断。 Objective To anaylyze the factors affecting Kleihauer-Betke(K-B) test to get better diagnostic results of fetomatenal hemorrhage. Methods Different factors to K-B TEST were analyyzed to get better experimental procedure.The recovery of K-B test were calculated by testing mixture of adult vern blood and cord blood.200 unpregnant woment and 100 suspicious fetomaternal hemorrhage pregnant women were analyzed by optimized K-B test in order to set up reference range of fetal red blood cells.Results The elution condition stayed 37℃ lasting 8 min and the hematoxylin eosin staining condition syayed 37℃ lasting 60 sin order to get the biggest ratio of integrated optical densyty(IOD) which was 10.13±1.17.Fetal red blood cells were heavily stained pink and strongly dioptrical in contrast to adult red blood cells under the light microscope .The correlation coefficient of cord blood content and the K-B test result was 0.999 and the recovery was 84.75%-96.55%.The reference range of fetal red blood cells in the extive control and recovery experiment ,whichcould diagnose fetomaternal hemorrhage correctly.