发表时间:2014-01-24 浏览次数:751次
1.广州医学院附属深圳沙井医院和一社区健康服务中心, 广东 深圳 518104;2.广州医学院附属深
目的:探讨数字化X线成像(DR)在社区疾病普查中的应用价值。方法:利用我院和一社区健康服务中心新购置的深圳 市安健科技有限公司出品的DR数字化医用X线摄影系统,对社区附近面积约8平方公里的约10万人口进行疾病普查,并与我院旧式的电 视透视系统对比。结果:总数病例中DR机发现胸部异常有2 651例,腹部异常有183例,四肢异常有176例,其他异常有56例,而电视透 视发现相应部位异常病例数分别为1 531例、86例、68例、27例。结论:数字化X光机(DR)在基层社区疾病普查中的应用价值:①减 少了X线量,保护了患者与医护人员的健康。②缩短了检查时间,减轻了医护人员的劳动强度。③原始影像资料可永久保存,便于复 查及用于法律证据。④更清晰细腻的影像提高了微小病变的检出率,减少了误诊漏诊。⑤在疾病普查中更准确更快捷,赢得了群众的 赞声,提高了我社康中心的声誉。⑥能够网络化管理,利于远程会诊。⑦更好地服务于社区居民,取得了更好的社会效益,应用前景 广。数字化X光机在基层社区疾病普查中具有重要应用价值。 Objective To evaluate the application value of Digital Radiography(DR) in general survey of community disease.Methods Use the Heyi community of Shajing hospital’s Digital Radiography which produced in shenzhen anjian Science Technologies Co.to investigate the disease of 100,000 people in 8 square kilometers of Heyi community,and contrasted with the old Television fluoroscopy systems.Results In cases,the DR found chest abnormalities 2 651 cases,abdominal abnormalities 183 cases,limbs abnormalities 176 cases and others abnormalities 56 cases.The television perspective found abnormalities 1 531 cases,86 cases,68 cases and 27 cases respective.Conclusion The application of DR in general survey of community disease as follows:①Reduced the x-ray dose and protects the doctors’and patients’ health.②Shorten the examination time and reduces the labor intensity of medical staff.③Saved the original image data forever and convenient for review and legal evidence.④Improved minimal lesion detection rate and reduce the misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis by the more clear and delicate images.⑤Winning the masses praise sound by more accurate and efficient general survey and enhancing the reputation of our community health center.⑥Enable to realize network management and Remote consultation.⑦To better serve the community residents and to obtain a better social benefits,so have a wide application prospect.The Digital Radiography has important application value in general survey of community disease. Keywords:Digital Radiography(DR);Community;General investigation of disease;Application;Reputation