发表时间:2014-05-16 浏览次数:1118次
周志衡, 刘温文, 王亚东等、卫生应急管理人员现场培训方案设计[J].中华疾病控制杂志,2012,16(6):459-462
公共卫生管理; 在职培训; 培训方案
周志衡1,2, 刘温文3, 王亚东1, 袁逸文1, 李香蕊1
1首都医科大学卫生管理与教育学院, 北京 100069 2广州医学院公共卫生学院, 广东 广州 51
目的 探索适合卫生应急管理人员培训应用的现场培训方案。方法 运用文献研究、政策分析、问卷调查、专家访谈等方法构建卫生应急管理人员现场培训模式,实施并验证其效果。结果 设计省级卫生应急管理人员的现场培训模式,在世界卫生组织与卫生部的共同资助下,借鉴改良的现场流行病学培训模式和研究生教育模式相结合的方式,对来自中国省级卫生应急管理部门的9个学员进行6个月的现场培训,取得了满意的培训效果。 结论 改良现场流行病培训与研究生培养模式相融合的卫生应急管理人员现场培训模式具有创新性,值得在卫生应急管理人员培训中推广应用。 Objective To develop and assess a field training program for health emergency managers. Methods Literature review, policy analysis, questionnaire survey, and expert interview were used to develop the field training model. Results A field training model for health emergency managers was established and implemented with the financial support from WHO. Nine trainees from provincial health emergency departments received the field training, which was developed based on postgraduate education model and modified field epidemiology training program. The assessment of the training model showed that the model was successful. Conclusions This field training model is a combination of postgraduate education model and modified field epidemiology training program. It is an innovative model worthy further application in China health emergency manager training.