发表时间:2010-11-02 浏览次数:497次
作者:石仁芳 作者单位:(桂林医学院附属医院消化内科,广西桂林541001)
【摘要】 目的 探讨青年人胃癌的发病特点及临床病理特征。方法 回顾分析64例青年人胃癌(≤35岁)和185例老年人胃癌(≥60岁)的临床资料。比较两组患者的临床症状、幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染、病变部位、病程、Borrmann分型、病理类型及预后。结果 青年组胃癌女性多发,男女之比为1∶1.78,临床首发症状以上腹部疼痛、上腹部饱胀等为主,Hp感染率明显高于老年组(P<0.05);青年组病程以<3个月、老年组以>6个月为主(P<0.01)。青年组胃癌发病部位以胃窦为主,老年组以胃底贲门多见(P<0.01)。青年组病理类型以BorrmannⅢ、Ⅳ型和低分化腺癌多见,老年组以高分化腺癌居多(P<0.01或P<0.05)。5年生存率青年组低于老年组(P<0.05)。结论 与老年人胃癌相比,青年人胃癌恶性程度高,分化低,进展速度快,预后差。早期发现、尽早实施根治手术切除是提高治愈率和生存率的关键。
【关键词】 胃肿瘤;青少年;病理学,临床
A clinical study on gastric carcinoma in young patients
SHI Ren-fang
(Department of Gastroenterology, the Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical
University, Guilin, Guangxi 541001, China)
Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical symptoms and the clinico-pathological characteristics in young patients with gastric carcinoma. Methods The clinical pathological records of 64 young patients (aged 35 years or younger) and 185 elderly patients (aged 60 years or older) were retrospectively analyzed. Clinical manifestation, Helicobacter pylori infection, lesion location, disease course, Borrmann typing, pathological type and prognosis between the two groups were analytically compared. Results In the youth group, there were more female patients, the ratio of male to female was 1:1.78. There were more cases with epigastrium pain, epigastrium distend as the first occurred clinical manifestation. Helicobacter pylori infection cases in youth group were significantly more than those in elderly group (P<0.05). Duration of disease in the youth group was less than 3 months, and the elderly group was longer than 6 months (P<0.01). The tumor sites of origin in the youth group were mainly located in gastric sinus, and the elderly group mainly in gastric cardia (P<0.01). Pathologic features, Borrmann Ⅲ or Ⅳ and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma were prevalent in the youth group, and well differentiated adenocarcinoma were prevalent in the elderly group(P<0.01 or P<0.05). The 5-year survival rate was obviously lower in the youth group than that in elderly group ( P<0.05). Conclusion Compared to the elderly, young patients with gastric carcinomas carry worse degree, lower differentiation, faster progress and poorer prognosis. Early identification, radical resection treatment are necessary to improve curative and survival rates for young patients.
Key words: stomach neoplasms; adolescence; pathology, clinical
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 1999年1月~2008年12月我院经胃镜活检、手术和病理证实的胃癌患者共1 872例。青年组(≤35岁)64例(3.42%),其中男23例,女41例,男女之比为1∶1.78,年龄18~35岁,中位年龄32岁。年龄>60岁的胃癌患者有893例(47.70%),从中随机抽取185例为老年组(≥60岁),其中男125例,女60例,男女之比为2.08∶1,年龄60~85岁,中位年龄64岁。
1.2 方法 两组患者从首发临床症状、幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染、病变部位、病程、Borrmann分型、病理组织类型及随访预后等方面进行对比分析。
1.3 统计学处理 数据资料应用SPSS 13.0软件包进行统计分析,行χ2检验或Fisher确切概率法。
2 结果
2.1 临床症状及Hp感染率比较 青年组和老年组胃癌患者中以上腹部疼痛为最初临床症状者分别有51例(79.69%)、112例(60.54%),以上腹部饱胀不适为最初临床症状者分别有29例(45.31%)、138例(74.59%),两组比较差异有高度显著性(χ2分别为7.71、18.46,P均<0.01)。青年组和老年组其他首发临床症状分别为反酸嗳气21例(32.81%)、52例(28.11%),消瘦乏力28例(43.75%)、100例(54.05%),呕血黑便17例(26.56%)、57例(30.81%),贫血19例(29.69%)、72例(38.92%),腹水4例(6.25%)、19例(10.27%),腹部包块5例(7.81%)、21例(11.35%),两组相比差异无显著性(P均>0.05)。Hp感染青年组43例(67.19%),老年组92例(49.73%),两组相比差异有显著性(χ2=5.84,P<0.05)。
2.2 两组病变部位比较 青年组病变部位以胃窦为主,老年组以胃底贲门为主,两组比较差异有高度显著性,见表1。表1 两组患者病变部位比较
2.3 两组病程比较 青年组病程(从出现症状到就诊的时间)以<3个月、老年组以>6个月为主,两组比较差异有高度显著性,见表2。表2 两组患者病程比较与老年组比较,a:χ2=29.54,b:χ2=44.35,P均<0.01
2.4 两组大体形态和病理分型比较 青年组以BorrmannⅢ、Ⅳ型为主,高于老年组(P<0.05);病理分型以低分化腺癌居多,高于老年组(P<0.05),而高分化腺癌显著低于老年组(P<0.01),见表3。表3 两组患者病理特点比较 与老年组比较,a:χ2=4.00,b:χ2=3.96,d:χ2=6.34,P均<0.05;c:χ2=11.60,P<0.01
2.5 两组预后比较 5年随访率青年组为92.19%(59/64),老年组为89.73%(166/185),失访者不计入预后分析。青年组1、3、5年生存率分别为54.24%(32/59)、22.03%(13/59)、6.78%(4/59),老年组1、3、5年生存率分别为62.65%(104/166)、33.73%(56/166)、21.08%(35/166)。两组5年生存率比较差异有显著性(χ2=6.22,P<0.05)。
3 讨论
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