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发表时间:2010-09-10  浏览次数:481次

  作者:彭晓峰,余志金,许岸高,姜泊 作者单位:1.广东省惠州市中心人民医院,广东 惠州 516001;2.广州南方医科大学南方医院消化内科, 广东 广州 510515

  【摘要】目的:探讨青年大肠癌和中老年大肠癌的临床病理特征差异。方法:总结分析南方医院和惠州市中心人民医院1985~2004年经病理确诊的大肠癌3 870例资料。结果:①年龄分组构成比:青年组、中年组和老年组分别占17.0%、45.3%和37.7%,近20年青年大肠癌所占比例从21.7%下降到12.2%,而老年大肠癌从22.5%上升到47.2%。②发病部位:直肠癌青年组、中年组和老年组3组分别占59.8%、59.8%和51.3%,青年组与中年组无显著性差异(P>0.05),但显著高于老年组(P<0.01);左半结肠癌3组分别占17.0%、17.8%和18.9%,3组无显著性差异(P>0.05);右半结肠癌3组分别占23.2%、22.3%和29.8%,青年组与中年组无显著性差异(P>0.05),但显著低于老年组(P<0.01)。③组织学分型:腺癌青年组、中年组和老年组3组分别占66.5%、83.7%和88.8%,老年组显著高于中年组(P<0.01),中年组显著高于青年组(P<0.01);黏液癌、印戒细胞癌和未分化癌等较高恶性程度肿瘤在3组人群中分别占28.8%、14.5%和9.4%,青年组显著高于中年组(P<0.01),中年组显著高于老年组(P<0.01)。结论:近20年青年大肠癌所占比例下降,而老年大肠癌上升。青年组大肠癌病变部位与中年组相似,直肠癌显著高于老年组,右半结肠癌显著低于老年组。青年组大肠癌组织学分类黏液癌、印戒细胞癌和未分化腺癌等恶性程度较高者多在中年组和老年组。

  【关键词】 结肠 直肠 肿瘤 数据说明 统计

  Study on discrepancy of clinical pathological characteristics of colorectal cancer in different ages

  PENG Xiaofeng, YU Zhijin, XU Angao, JIANG bo

  1.Huizhou Central Hospital, Huizhou 516001, China;

  2.Department of Gastroenterology, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China

  [ABSTRACT] Objective: To clarify the discrepancy of clinical pathological characteristics of colorectal cancer in youth and middle age and elder patients. Methods: Data of 3 870 patients with pathological confirmed colorectal carcinomas from 1985~2004 were studied retrospectively. Results: ① Age proportion ratio: youth, middle ages and elders accounted for 17.0%,45.3%and 37.7% respectively. It decreased from 21.7%to12.2%in youth and increased from 22.5%to 47.2% in elders in recent 20 years. ② Locations of lesions: Rectal carcinoma accounted for 59.8%,59.8%and 51.3%respectively in youth, middle ages and elders; there was no significant difference between youth and middle ages(P>0.05); the carcinoma in rectum was higher in youth than in elders(P<0.01); carcinoma in left colon in youth , middle ages and elders accounted for 17.0%,17.8%and 18.9%respectively, there was no significant difference between them; carcinoma in right colon in youth, middle ages and elders accounted for 23.2%,22.3%and 29.8%, respectively, there was no significant difference between youth and middle ages(P>0.05); it was obviously lower in youth and middle ages than in elders, there was significant difference(P<0.01). ③ Histological patterns: Adenocarcinoma in youth, middle ages and elders accounted for 66.5%,83.7% and 88.8%, respectively; it's significantly higher in elders than in middle ages(P<0.01); it's significantly higher in middle ages than in youth(P<0.01); high malignant carcinomas such as mucinous carcinoma, signet ring cell carcinoma and undifferentiated carcinoma and so on, accounted for 28.8%,14.5%and 9.4% respectively, it's significantly higher in youth than in middle ages(P<0.01);it's significantly higher in middle ages than in elders(P<0.01). Conclusion: Of the proportion ratio of colorectal carcinoma in recent 20 years, it declines in youth and elevates in elders. Of the locations of lesions, colorectal carcinoma in youth are similar to that in middle ages; the carcinoma in rectum is higher in youth than in elders; the carcinoma in right colon is significantly lower in youth than in elders. Of the histological patterns, high malignant carcinomas such as mucinous carcinoma, signet ring cell carcinoma and undifferentiated carcinoma and so on are more in youth than in middle ages and elders.

  [KEY WORDS] Colon; Rectum; Neoplasm; Data interpretation, statistics

  大肠癌是经济发达国家发病率最高的恶性肿瘤之一,也是我国常见的恶性肿瘤,其发病率有逐年增高的趋势。近期的临床流行病学资料显示,大肠癌的临床特点和发病规律均发生改变[1]。为了解青年大肠癌和中老年大肠癌的临床病理特征差异,我们总结分析了南方医院和惠州市中心人民医院1985~2004年20年共3 870例大肠癌患者的临床资料,现报告如下。

  1 材料与方法

  1.1 临床资料

  两家医院1985~2004年共收治经病理确诊的大肠癌3 870例。本研究以≤40岁定义青年大肠癌,将≤40岁、41~60岁和>60岁分别定义为青年组、中年组和老年组。根据病例的临床资料,就其发病情况、好发部位、组织学类型等进行总结分析。

  1.2 统计学方法


  2 结果

  2.1 青年、中年和老年大肠癌构成比

  在3 870例大肠癌中,若以≤30岁、≤35岁和≤40岁定义青年大肠癌,则分别为204例(5.3%)、428例(11.1%)和659例(17.0%)。本研究定义标准:青年组(≤40岁)、中年组和老年组分别为659例(17.0%)、1 751例(45.2%)和1 460例(37.7%)。

  2.2 性别

  青年组大肠癌659例,男性336例,女性323例,男∶女为1.04∶1,男女无显著性差异。中年组男性1 034例,女性717例,男∶女为1.44∶1,男多于女(P<0.01)。老年组大肠癌男性872例,女性588例,男∶女为1.48∶1,男多于女(P<0.01)。男女比例中年组和老年组相似(P>0.05),但显著高于青年组(P<0.01)。

  2.3 大肠癌发病部位

  本组3 870例共3 958个病灶,其中单病灶3 783例(97.8%),多病灶87例(2.2%)。多病灶87例中2个病灶86例,3个病灶1例。直肠癌青年组与中年组无显著性差异(P>0.05),但显著高于老年组(P<0.01);左半结肠癌3组无显著性差异(P>0.05);右半结肠癌青年组与中年组无显著性差异(P>0.05),但显著低于老年组(P<0.01)。左半结肠包括乙状结肠、降结肠、脾曲,右半结肠则由横结肠、肝曲、升结肠、盲肠等组成[1]。3组大肠癌的发病部位见表1。表1 3 870例大肠癌年龄分组与部位关系比较(n))(略)

  按每5年为一时间段统计,各部位发病趋势见表2。2000~2004与1985~1989比较,直肠、左半结肠和右半结肠所占比例分别为49.7%∶64.8%、21.7%∶17.3%和28.6%∶18.0%。去除直肠癌的变化因素,右半结肠癌与左半结肠癌比较,80年代两组几乎相等(51.0%∶49.0%),而到了21世纪初,右半结肠则显著高于左半结肠(56.9%∶43.1%)。表明近20年来直肠癌比例显著下降(P<0.01), 右半结肠癌比例则显著上升(P<0.01)。

  2.4 大肠癌组织学分型


  2.5 大肠癌历年收治情况比较

  本组资料按每5年为一时间段统计,从表1可见,分1985~1989,1990~1994,1995~1999,2000~2004等4年段,每年段收治的大肠癌见表4。青年大肠癌所占比例从1985~1989年段21.7%下降到2000~2004年段12.2%,而同期老年组大肠癌从22.5%上升到47.2%。表2 3 958个大肠癌病灶发病部位与时间趋势(n)(略)表3 3 870例大肠癌组织学分型与年龄分布)(略)表4 3 870例大肠癌发病年龄分组与年份关系比较)(略)

  3 讨论






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