发表时间:2010-06-17 浏览次数:486次
作者:庞炜,王治伦,周扬 (解放军第三二三医院骨科,陕西西安 710054; 西安交通大学环境与疾病相关基因教育部重点实验室,陕西西安 710061)
摘要:目的 探讨镓盐对骨质疏松骨细胞超微结构的影响。方法 用8月龄雌性SD大鼠造模,骨质疏松组开腹切除双侧卵巢后缝合,对照组开腹切一小块脂肪后缝合。12周后,取胫骨上段骨组织,观察模型复制情况。嗣后随机分为3组:对照组与骨质疏松组正常饲养12周;硝酸镓治疗组给予硝酸镓治疗(1mg/kg),3次/周,腹腔注射。应用脱钙骨切片观察光镜下骨形态;制作透射电镜样本,在透射电镜下观察骨细胞形态及骨细胞内部结构情况。结果 对照组及硝酸镓治疗组骨细胞结构正常,细胞核染色质分布均匀,核为卵圆形;骨质疏松组部分骨细胞核呈固缩状,形态变长。对照组成骨细胞中细胞器较少,有胶原分泌;骨质疏松组成骨细胞中有大量内质网存在,有大量胶原分泌,硝酸镓治疗组成骨细胞可见有较多胶原分泌,细胞中存在大量内质网及线粒体。结论 镓盐对骨质疏松引起的骨细胞超微结构的损伤有改善作用。
Study on the influence of Gallium on osteocyte ultrastructure in osteoporosis
Pang Wei, Wang Zhilun, Zhou Yang
(Department of Orthopaedics, 323 Hospital of PLA, Xian 710054; Key Laboratory of Environment and Genes Related to Diseases of Ministry of Education, Medical School of Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710061, China)
ABSTRACT: Objective To investigate the influence of Gallium on osteocyte ultrastructure in osteoporosis. Methods A total of 66 8month old rats were anesthetized. Oophorectomies were taken in the osteoporosis group, and in the control group a piece of fat were taken instead. 12 weeks later, 8 rats in each group were sacrificed and the tibias upside were used to observe the model duplication. After the model duplication succeeded, the residual rats were separated into 3 groups randomly: the control group, the osteoporosis group raised normally in 12 weeks and the gallium nitrate therapy group, which were injected 1mg/kg gallium nitrate in the abdomen 3 times per week. Microscope was used to observe the bone form of decalcification sections. Transmission electron microscope was used to observe osteocyte form and internal structure. Results The osteocyte structures of control group and gallium nitrate therapy group were normal. The chromatins distributed symmetrical and nucleuses were oviform. Pyknosis was found in some osteocytes in osteoporosis group. There's few organell in osteoblast in control group. Collagen excretion was found. A lot of endoplasmic reticulums and an abundant of collagen excretion were found in osteoblasts in osteoporosis group. A lot of endoplasmic reticulums and mitochondria were found in osteoblasts in gallium nitrate therapy group. An abundant of collagen excretion was found, but less than osteoporosis group. Conclusion Gallium can alleviate the damage of osteocyte ultrastructure elicited by osteoporosis.
KEY WORDS: gallium; osteoporosis; ultrastructure; osteocyte
1 材料与方法
1.1 实验动物与分组 8月龄雌性SD大鼠66只(西安交通大学医学院实验动物中心提供,国家A级实验动物),体质量220-270g。随机分为对照组(23只)和骨质疏松模型复制组(43只)。
1.2 骨质疏松模型复制 全部大鼠均在乌拉坦腹腔注射麻醉下,打开腹腔。对照组开腹后切一小块脂肪后缝合,骨质疏质模型组开腹后切除双侧卵巢后缝合,手术后保暖(死亡4只,均为骨质疏松模型组,死亡原因为术后感染)。4d后大鼠恢复,进入实验。以常规饲料(西安交通大学医学院实验动物中心配制)喂养12周。12周后,每组随机选8只大鼠处死,取胫骨上段骨组织,观察模型复制情况。
1.3 治疗方法 模型复制成功后,将骨质疏松模型组再分为骨质疏松组(15只)和硝酸镓治疗组(16只)。硝酸镓治疗组给予1mg/kg硝酸镓,3次/周,腹腔注射。均正常饲养12周。
1.4 取材 经腹腔静脉抽血处死,取动物双侧后肢骨分别用2.5%(体积分数)戊二醛和10%(体积分数)甲醛溶液固定。
1.5 切片制备 制备常规脱钙骨病理切片。由西安交通大学电子显微镜室制作透射电镜切片。
2 结果
2.1 脱钙骨切片观察骨组织结果 骨质疏松组骨小梁宽度变窄,骨小梁间距变宽,骨小梁占视野面积比降低,骨皮质虽无显著差异,但亦见变窄趋势。低倍镜下观察对照组和硝酸镓治疗组骨小梁排列以纵向为主,连接成网,骨小梁间距小;而骨质疏松组骨小梁较细,排列稀疏,小梁间距增大,并且出现小梁的空缺区。可见髓腔有脂肪化。说明大鼠骨组织形成骨质疏松(图1)。
2.2 透射电镜结果 对照组及硝酸镓治疗组骨细胞结构正常,细胞核染色质分布均匀,核为卵圆形;骨质疏松组部分骨细胞核呈固缩状,形态变长;对照组成骨细胞中细胞器较少,有胶原分泌;骨质疏松组成骨细胞中有大量内质网存在,有大量胶原分泌,且偶见成骨细胞溶解;硝酸镓治疗组成骨细胞可见有较多胶原分泌,细胞中存在大量内质网及线粒体(图2)。
图1 各组大鼠股骨病理切片(略)
Fig.1 The bone histomorphometric of the 3 groups
The bone histomorphometric of control group(a): there are a plenty of trabeculars(HE 10×10)
The bone histomorphometric of osteoporosis group(b): quite fewer trabeculars can be found (HE 10×10)
The bone histomorphometric of gallium nitrate therapy group(c): trabeculars are fewer than those in control group, but more than those in osteoporosis group (HE 10×10)
图2 各组电镜骨细胞和成骨细胞形态(略)
Fig.2 The form of osteocyte and osteoblast of each group (×6000)
The osteocyte of control(a): The cells are round in shape; chromatins distribute symmetrical
The osteocyte of osteoporosis group(b): The cells are long and pyknosis can be found
The osteocyte of gallium nitrate therapy group(c): The cells are round in shapechromatins distribute symmetrical and there is much cytoplasm
The osteoblast of control(d): Theres few organells; collagen fibers can be found
The osteoblast of osteoporosis group(e): A part of cell membrane dissolved; an abundant of collagen fibers can be found outside of cell
The osteoblast of gallium nitrate therapy group(f): A lot of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulums can be found in cytoplasm; collagen fibers can be found outside of cell
3 讨论
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