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发表时间:2010-04-28  浏览次数:513次


  【摘要】 目的 总结微创稳定系统(LISS)治疗胫骨下段骨折的外科经验和临床效果。方法 从2004年5月~2005年4月,用LISS治疗了7例胫骨下段骨折。5例为闭合性骨折,2例为开放性骨折。观察胫骨下段骨折的固定的稳定性、骨折愈合率和感染率。结果 所有病人平均持续随访1年,包括X线照片和膝关节功能的社会评分、医院专门外科评分。2例已在外院处理,骨折的变形被重新修复。全部病人被随访至骨折愈合。没有固定的丢失和骨折的不愈合,没有钢板和螺钉的变形,有软组织的感染。结论 LISS内固定系统在不需要额外保持骨折中间稳定的情况下,便能成功地治疗胫骨粉碎下段骨折,取得较好的功能结果和较低的并发症。LISS对于胫骨粉碎性下段骨折提供了稳定的固定、较高的愈合率、较低的感染率。这项技术成功运用新的外科原理,达到准确减少骨折对位不良的效果。

  【关键词】 LISS;胫骨下段骨折;关节内骨折和关节外骨折;预后

  【Abstract】 Objective To summarize the surgical experience and clinical results of the first 7 fractures of the distal of tibia treated with the Less Invasive Stabilization System (LISS).Methods From May 2004 to April 2005,7 patients with distal of tibia were treated with LISS fixation.There were 5 closed fractures and 2 open fractures.Obverse stable fixation,rate of union and infection for distal of tibial fractures.Results All patients were consecutive followed up an average of one year. included radiographs and clinical examinations using Knee Society scores and Hospital for Special Surgery scores for fractures of the distal with extraarticular and intraarticular fractures.Two patients treated by other hospital surgeons.Surgical reduction and fixation of fractures,followed by rehabilitation.Seven patients with fractures were followed until union.No loss of fixation and union. No reduction of plates and screws occurred in patients,no superficial wound infection and seromas.Conclusion The LISS internal fixator system can be used successfully to treat complex distal of tibia fractures without the need for additional medial stabilization.and good functional outcomes with a low complication rate.The LISS provides stable fixation,a high rate of union,and a low rate of infection for distal tibial fractures.The technique requires the successful use of new and unfamiliar surgical principles to effect an accurate reduction and acceptable rate of malalignment.

  【Key words】 LISS;distal of tibia fracture;extraarticular and intraarticular fractures;prognosis


  1 临床资料

  1.1 一般资料 本组7例均为男性,年龄18~45,平均35岁。受伤原因:交通事故5例,铲车铲伤1例,重物砸伤1例。损伤部位:胫骨中段和下段两处均骨折4例,下段单处均骨折2例,下段和关节内均骨折1例。其中闭合骨折4例,开放骨折3例且伴软组织较重损伤,呈粉碎性骨折。受伤至住院时间4h~3天,平均时间1天。

  1.2 手术方法 仰卧位,连硬麻醉,胫骨外侧髁、腓骨头前外侧作纵形切口,切开皮肤、皮下组织,显露胫骨外侧髁。C型臂下骨折处闭合复位,如合并关节内骨折,则延长切口作关节切开,胫骨平台骨折骨软骨缺损用自体髂骨移植修复重建[1]。如为开放性骨折则先清创,直视下复位。LISS为18孔,安放在瞄准器上,从切口沿胫骨向骨折远端插入,紧贴骨外膜,不做骨膜剥离。先用自锁钉固定胫骨外侧髁后,再按瞄准器上钉孔分别在胫骨外侧皮肤作长0.5cm切口,拧入自锁钉,C型臂透视骨折位置良好。合并胫骨平台骨折则复位植骨、胫骨外侧髁处用松质骨钉固定。

  2 结果


  3 讨论


  笔者认为手术成功关键有以下几个方面:(1)C型臂下满意的手法复位是保证骨折端对位对线良好的基础,是避免发生膝、踝关节创伤性关节的前提。可有效减少骨折畸形愈合、不愈合等并发症。(2)Cole PA认为此项技术使用新的外科原理,以达到准确减少骨折对位不良[7]。要求有经验的医师操作,以恢复至肢体的良好功能状态。(3)如为开放性骨折,尽量不剥离骨折处骨膜,LISS也能很好的固定,缺损处植入自己髂骨,是促进骨折愈合因素之一。(4)如果是单纯胫骨下段骨折,LISS可用加长型18孔,能达到有效的固定,预防骨折段再移位。



  1 石仕元,曹国平,俞强,等.胫骨平台骨折中大面积骨软骨缺损的修复.中医正骨,2005,17(1):-23-24.

  2 Cole PA,Zlowodzki M,Kregor PJ.Less Invasive Stabilization System (LISS) for fractures of the proximal tibia:indications,surgical technique and preliminary results of the UMC Clinical Trial.Clin Orthop Relat Res,2006,26:320

  3 Cole PA,Zlowodzki M,Kregor PJ.Treatment of proximal tibia fractures using the less invasive stabilization system:surgical experience and early clinical results in 77 fractures.J Orthop Trauma,2004,18(8):528-535.

  4 Messmer P,Regazzoni P,Gross T.New stabilization techniques for fixation of proximal tibial fractures (LISS/LCP).Ther Umsch,2003,60(12):762-767.

  5 Cole PA,Zlowodzki M,Kregor PJ.Less invasive stabilization system (LISS) for fractures of the proximal tibia:indications,surgical technique and preliminary results of the UMC clinical trial.Injury,2003,34(Suppl 1):A16-29.

  6 Cole PA,Zlowodzki M,Kregor PJ.Less invasive stabilization system (LISS) for fractures of the proximal tibia:indications,surgical technique and preliminary results of the UMC clinical trial.Injury,2003,34(Suppl 1):A16-29.

  7 Cole PA,Zlowodzki M,Kregor PJ.Treatment of proximal tibia fractures using the less invasive stabilization system:surgical experience and early clinical results in 77 fractures.J Orthop Trauma,2004,18(8):528-535.

  8 周琦石,黄枫,何才勇,等.LISS固定系统治疗胫骨近端干骺端粉碎骨折初步临床报告.中华创伤骨科杂志,2005,7(6):592-593.

  9 Cole PA,Zlowodzki M,Kregor PJ.Treatment of proximal tibia fractures using the less invasive stabilization system:surgical experience and early clinical results in 77 fractures.J Orthop Trauma,2004,18(8):528-535.

  作者单位: 221002 江苏徐州,徐州医学院附属医院(△在读硕士,△△硕士生导师)
