发表时间:2010-10-25 浏览次数:468次
作者:邹伟伟,刘志群,郭能起 作者单位:(广州中医药大学附属中山市中医院麻醉科 )
【摘要】 目的 观察丙泊酚诱导过程中,轻中度颅脑损伤患者的效应室浓度与脑电双频指数(BIS)变化的关系。方法 选择颅脑损伤后GCS评分为9~15分,拟行急诊开颅手术的患者19例。所有患者入室后行BIS及心电图、上臂血压、血氧饱和度(SpO2)监测,以丙泊酚靶控输注进行诱导,靶控效应室浓度从0.5μg/ml开始,当效应室达到设定浓度后增加0.5μg/ml,直到3.5μg/ml,记录基础值及每个浓度稳定时的BIS值、心率(HR)及平均动脉压(MAP)。结果 效应室靶控浓度与BIS呈直线负相关(r=-0.63,P<0.01),回归方程:BIS值=81.2-11.47×丙泊酚效应室靶控浓度。效应室靶控浓度达到3.5μg/ml时,MAP降幅达到基础值的34.7%。结论 丙泊酚效应室靶控浓度与BIS呈负相关,可用于评估镇静深度。当效应室靶控浓度>3μg/ml,对轻中度颅脑损伤的MAP影响较大。
【关键词】 颅脑损伤;二异丙酚;脑电双频指数;靶控输注
The relationship between targeting effect compartment concentration of
propofol and the fluctuation of bispectral index in patients with brain injuries
Zou Wei-wei, Liu Zhi-qun, Guo Neng-qi
(Department of Anesthesiology, Affiliated Zhongshan TCM Hospital of Guangzhou University of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528400, China E-mail:zouhuyang@163.com)
Abstract: Objective To investigate the relationship between the target effect compartment site concentration of propofol and the changes of bispectral index(BIS) during propofol induction for patients with mild and moderate brain injuries. Methods 19 patients with brain injuries (GCS 9~15) and planned for emergency craniotomy were enrolled in this study. The monitoring of BIS, ECG, blood pressure and SpO2 for all patients after entering the operation room were performed. Target-controlled infusion of propofol for induction and the target effect compartment site concentration of propofol started with 0.5μg/ml, when the target effect compartment concentration of propofol reached to the predicted plasma propofol concentration, the latter was increased by 0.5μg/ml until the former reached to 3.5μg/ml. Recorded the baseline values and the BIS values, HR and MAP at each stable concentration. Results The target effect-site concentration of propofol is adversely associated with BIS(r=-0.63, P<0.01, regression equation:BIS=81.2-11.47×target effect-site concentration of propofol. Basic MAP reached to a decrease of 34.7% when target effect-site concentration of propofol was up to 3.5μg/ml. Conclusion The target effect-site concentration of propofol is adversely associated with BIS which can be used as markers to evaluate the depth of sedation. It will be greatly impacted on the MAP of the mild and moderate brain injuries when target effect-site concentration of propofol was over 3μg/ml.
Key words: brain injuries; propofol; bispectral index; target-controlled infusion
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 选择GCS评分为9~15分,拟行急诊开颅手术的轻中度颅脑损伤患者19例。男女之比为14∶5,年龄为(35.8±7.2)岁,体重为(68.5±8.3)kg。所有患者均为闭合性颅脑损伤,其中硬膜外血肿11例,硬膜下血肿8例。其中交通事故8例,高处坠落6例,头部打击伤5例。受伤前服用酒精、药物者除外,肥胖(体重指数>28)及休克患者者除外。
1.2 麻醉与监测 所有患者不用术前用药,平卧位,开放前臂静脉,以10ml/kg·h的速度滴注乳酸林格氏液。监测输液静脉对侧的上臂血压、心电图、心率(HR)、血氧饱和度(SpO2),连接Philips插件式BIS监护仪。待各监测稳定记录各项指标作为基础值,用北京思路高公司TCI-Ⅰ型注射泵静脉靶控输注丙泊酚,效应室靶控输注浓度由0.5μg/ml开始,每当效应室达到设定浓度后增加0.5μg/ml,直到3.5μg/ml,记录每个浓度稳定时的BIS值、HR及平均动脉压(MAP)。全过程面罩给氧,当呼吸<8次/min,立即给予正压辅助呼吸。
1.3 统计分析 计量数据以(±s)表示,采用SPSS 13.0统计学软件进行统计学处理,组间比较采用配对t检验。分析丙泊酚效应室浓度与BIS值的相关性。
2 结果
丙泊酚靶控输注过程中,随着效应室浓度的升高,BIS下降,两者间呈高度直线负相关(r=-0.63,P<0.01),BIS值=81.2-11.47×丙泊酚效应室靶控浓度。当丙泊酚靶控浓度≥1.0μg/ml,各浓度时的MAP与靶控输液前比较均有显著性,当靶控浓度=3.5μg/ml时,MAP降幅达到基础值的34.7%。HR无明显变化,只在靶控浓度为3.5μg/ml时出现显著性,见表1。表1 丙泊酚不同效应室浓度水平时的BIS值、MAP、HR的变化
3 讨论
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