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发表时间:2011-12-29  浏览次数:588次

  作者:龚,彤  作者单位:(030009)中国山西省太原市中心医院眼科

  【摘要】 目的:通过对我院300例住院治疗的机械性眼外伤患者病历资料进行统计与回顾性分析,探讨机械性眼外伤患者急诊处理后的视力预后影响因素。方法:对300例机械性眼外伤患者的一般情况、眼别、受伤原因、急诊处理方式、入院视力、出院视力等进行记录和统计分析。结果:机械性眼外伤300例,男女比例约为8∶1,15~20岁年龄段男女比例最高,约为14∶1,发病高峰年龄在35~45岁和5~10岁。以眼球开放性外伤、眼和附属器挫伤最多见。在眼球开放性外伤中,以异物伤最多见。致伤原因以钝器伤、锐器伤为主,爆炸伤等原因较为少见。机械性眼外伤300例311眼的治疗方式中以眼内异物取出为主,其次为保守治疗,视力预后的主要影响因素是:致伤原因、是否伤后24h内处理。急诊等处理后,出院视力的提高具有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:机械性眼外伤300例致伤原因以钝器伤、锐器伤和爆炸伤最为常见。住院治疗的机械性眼外伤视力预后的主要影响因素是:致伤原因、是否伤后24h内急诊处理。

  【关键词】 机械性眼外伤;视力预后;影响因素;临床分析

  Analysis of prognostic factors in visual acuity in 300 cases of mechanical ocular trauma

  Tong Gong

  Department of Ophthalmology, Taiyuan Central Hospital, Taiyuan 030009, Shanxi Province, China

  Correspondence to: Tong Gong. Department of Ophthalmology, Taiyuan Central Hospital, Taiyuan 030009, Shanxi Province, China. junhuibianjibu@yahoo.cn

  Received:20100726 Accepted:20100818


  AIM: To discuss the major determinant factors of visual prognosis of mechanical ocular trauma by statistical analysis and retrospective study of the 300 patients.

  METHODS: This is a retrospective study on 300 cases with mechanical ocular trauma in recent 5 years.We recorded and analyzed the following details: general state of health, left or right eye, cause of injury, whether treated in time, vision of admission, vision of discharge.

  RESULTS: Sex distribution: male 8/9, female 1/9. Most of patients fell in the age group of between 510 and 3545,and with the highest sex distribution of 14∶1 at the age group of 1520. Open wound of eyeball, ocular and its appendages contusion were most frequently seen. Injury caused by foreign object was most frequently seen in open wound of eyeball. Most of patients had a significant visual improvement at the time of discharge (P<0.05). The major determinant factors of the visual prognosis after treatment were summarized as following:causes of the injury;whether treated within 24 hours.

  CONCLUSION: Most of the ocular trauma comes from blunt injury, sharp instrument injury and explosion injury. The major determinant factors of the visual prognosis after treatment are summarized as following: cause of the injury, whether treated within 24 hours.

  KEYWORDS: mechanical ocular trauma;visual prognosis;risk factor;clinical analysis

  Gong T. Analysis of prognostic factors in visual acuity in 300 cases of mechanical ocular trauma. Int J Ophthalmol(Guoji Yanke Zazhi) 2010;10(9):18231824







  统计学分析:采用SPSS 11.0统计学软件,运用Logistic回归多因素分析及χ2检验,P<0.05为有统计学意义。









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