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发表时间:2012-06-21  浏览次数:513次

  作者:潘兴寿,蓝景生,李天资,黄照河  作者单位:右江民族医学院心血管疾病防治研究所、附属医院心内科

  【摘要】 目的 探讨大蒜素治疗病毒性心肌炎(VMC)的疗效及其机制。方法 选择符合诊断标准的96例VMC患者,随机分为三组。A组32例,予常规西药治疗,B组32例在A组基础上加用黄芪注射液治疗,C组在A组基础上加用大蒜素注射液治疗,三组疗程均为30 d,观察治疗前后患者心律失常率、STT改变率及心脏肌钙蛋白T(cTnT)、肌酸激酶同工酶(CKMB)和白细胞介素18(IL18)检测水平的变化情况。结果 三组患者治疗后其心律失常率、STT改变率、cTnT和CKMB均显著下降(P<0.01),A、B、C三组各观察指标有逐级改善趋势,C组改善幅度最大(P<0.01)。C组患者治疗7、15、30 d后其血清 IL18水平均显著下降(P<0.01),A、B组患者治疗15、30 d后其血清IL18水平均显著下降(P<0.05或0.01),A、B、C三组患者治疗15、30 d后其血清 IL18水平有逐级下降趋势(P<0.01),C组下降幅度最大(P<0.01)。结论 大蒜素对VMC患者有良好的治疗效果,可能与其抑制病毒复制,恢复被病毒破坏的细胞免疫系统功能,减轻患者的免疫反应对其心肌的损伤,从而改善患者临床症状和心功能有关。

  【关键词】 病毒性心肌炎;大蒜素;细胞因子;白细胞介素18

  Analysis on the effect of garlicin for treating viral myocarditis

  PAN Xingshou,LAN Jingsheng,LI Tianzi,HUANG Zhaohe, LIU Yan, LIANG Yue,LAI Tengfang

  (Cardiovascular Prevention Institute of Youjiang Medical University for Nationality,Cardiovascular

  Department of Affiliated Hospital of Youjiang Medical University for Nationality,Baise Guangxi 533000)

  【Abstract】 Objective To explore the curative effect of garlicin on the treatment of viral myocarditis (VMC)and its mechanism.Methods 96 patients with VMC were randomly divided into three groups.group A of 32 patients were given western conventional medicine,group B of 32 patients were given astragalus injection besides the conventional therapy,while group C were given garlic injection.The course in three groups were 30 days.The incidence of the arrhythmia,stt segment changes and the level of cTnT,CKMB,IL18 in patients were observed before and after the
