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发表时间:2012-12-04  浏览次数:1126次

作者                    作者单位

顾迁       复旦大学附属中山医院,内分泌科,上海,200032

高鑫       中国科学院上海实验动物中心,上海,200032

徐平       中国科学院上海实验动物中心,上海,200032

顾坚忠     中国科学院上海实验动物中心,上海,200032

Observation of Biological Characteristics of GK Rat

—— a New Model of Type 2 Diabetes

GU Qian,GAO Xin,XU Ping,GU Jianzhong

(Department of Endocrinology,Zhongshan Hospital,Fudan University,Shanghai 20032,China)

【Abstract】 Objective This study was aimed to obtain a profile knowledge of biological characteristics of GK rat including growth curve,weight of major organs,and glucose metabolism status. Glucose stimulated insulin secretion ability of GK rat was also evaluated. Methods Fifty one male GK rats and fifteen age and sexmatched Wistar rats were studied. Fasting blood glucose was measured when GK and Wistar rats were 13week old. Fasting and random blood glucose levels of 23week old GK rats were determined. The growth curves were followed up,and fasting and postprandial blood glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin A1c levels were also followed up from 34week old onto 45week old. An intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT) was performed when the rats were 46week old. Areas under the curves were analyzed to assess the glucose stimulated insulin secretion ability. Weight of main major organs was recorded after the rats were sacrificed. The differences of those parameters between GK and Wistar rats were compared. Results Fasting blood glucose of 13week old GK rats was 4.74±0.41 mmol/L (mean±S.D.),and that of Wistar rats was 1.85±0.44 mmol/ L (P<0.001). Fasting blood glucose of 23week old GK rats was 7.88±1.96 mmol/L,and random blood glucose levels were within a range of 9.91±3.52 mmol/L to 13.46±4.13 mmol/L. The body weights of GK rats were heavier than age and sexmatched Wistar rats from 7~20 and 34~45week old (P<0.05),but were s3imilar at the age of 46week. During the followup period from 34week old to 45week old,GK rats had significantly higher levels of blood glucose (both fasting and postprandial) and HbA1c than those in control Wistar rats. Blood glucose levels of GK rats on 0,15,30,60,120,180 minutes after glucose load,respectively,during IPGTT test were significantly higher than those of control Wistar rats. The areas under the curves of serum insulin levels (AUCi) and blood glucose levels (AUCg) were significantly higher in GK rats than those in Wistar Rats,while the ratio of AUCi/AUCg was significantly lower. Kidney weight of GK rat was higher than that of control Wistar rat. The weights of rest major organs of GK rats were similar as those in control Wistar rats. Conclusions GK rat has elevated blood glucose (both fasting and postprandial) and HbA1c levels. Glucose stimulated insulin secretion ability of GK rat is impaired,and the pattern of insulin secretion is in accordance with type 2 diabetes: early phase of insulin releasing response disappeared and late phase of insulin release increases compensatorily. This model has stable biological characteristics.

【Key words】 Rat,GK; diabetes,Type 2


1 材料和方法

1.1 实验动物

SPF级51只雄性GK大鼠及15只年龄性别匹配的Wistar大鼠作为研究对象。所有大鼠购自上海斯莱克实验动物有限责任公司,动物实验许可证:SYXK(沪)20040011。大鼠由专人分笼喂养,GK大鼠每笼3只,Wistar大鼠每笼5只,自由进食(大鼠饲料由上海斯莱克实验动物有限责任公司提供)进水,房间温度20℃~26℃,湿度40%~70%,明暗周期12 h。

1.2 指标测定

实验中GK(n=10)及Wistar大鼠(n=10)13周龄时测定空腹血糖[3](禁食24 h); GK大鼠(n=45)23周龄时测定空腹血糖及1日内多点随机血糖,随访GK (n=17) 及Wistar大鼠(n=15)4~20及34~46周龄期间生长曲线,34~46周龄期间测定空腹血糖(禁食18 h[4])、餐后血糖(进食后60 min),血HbA1c水平。用罗氏GLUCOTREND2血糖仪测定大鼠尾尖部位血糖[3]。血HbA1c水平用Bayer DCA2000+系统测定。

1.3 腹腔糖耐量实验(IPGTT)

大鼠46周龄行IPGTT实验(1 g/kg[5])。实验前过夜禁食18 h[4],次日晨测定体重、空腹血糖,同时从眼眶静脉丛取血0.5 mL,继而腹腔注射20%葡萄糖溶液,于注射后15、30、60、120、180 min再次测定血糖,同时从眼眶静脉丛取血 0.5 mL,血样于4℃冰箱静置过夜后进行离心(10 000 r/min共10 min),吸取血清装入EP管20℃保存(待测血清胰岛素水平)。大鼠血清胰岛素水平用RIA法统一测定,试剂盒购自美国Linco公司。通过IPGTT结果计算胰岛素曲线下面积(AUCi)、葡萄糖曲线下面积(AUCg)及两者比值(AUCi/AUCg)评价葡萄糖刺激的胰岛素分泌能力( SIS)[6]。

1.4 脏器称量


1.5 统计学分析

检验资料的正态性,非正态分布的资料进行对数转换使其符合正态分布。数据以均数±标准差表示。两组比较采用独立样本t检验,设检验水准P=0.05。统计分析及统计图表的制作分别在SPSS for Windows 10.0及Excel 2003上完成。

2 结 果

2.1 13 周龄GK大鼠空腹血糖

13周龄GK大鼠空腹血糖,禁食24 h,平均在4.74±0.41 mmol/L,对照Wistar大鼠在1.85±0.44 mmol/L(P<0.05)。

2.2 23 周龄GK大鼠空腹血糖

23周龄GK大鼠空腹血糖,禁食18 h,平均在7.88±1.96 mmol/L,1日内多点随机血糖平均波动在9.91±3.52~13.46±4.13 mmol/L(图1)。

2.3 GK及Wistar大鼠生长曲线


2.4 34~46周龄期间GK及Wistar空腹血糖、餐后血糖、HbA1c水平

2.4.1 34~46周龄GK及Wistar大鼠空腹血糖平均波动: 34~45周龄GK大鼠空腹血糖(禁食18 h)平均波动在6.36±0.72~7.98±2.88 mmol/L,对照Wistar大鼠空腹血糖平均波动在2.79±0.33~4.16±0.45 mmol/L,两者空腹血糖水平差异具有显著性(P均<0.001),GK大鼠空腹血糖高于正常对照Wistar大鼠 (图3)。

2.4.2 34~46周龄GK及Wistar大鼠餐后血糖平均波动:34~45周龄GK大鼠餐后血糖水平波动在12.64±1.72~15.88±1.88 mmol/L,而对照Wistar大鼠餐后血糖水平波动在4.39±0.63~5.81±0.85 mmol/L,两者餐后血糖差异具有显著性(P<0.05),GK大鼠餐后血糖水平高于Wistar大鼠(图4)。

2.4.3 45周龄GK及Wistar大鼠HbA1c水平: 45周龄GK大鼠与Wistar大鼠HbA1c水平分别为5.45±0.75%和2.99±0.13%,两者差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。

2.5 腹腔葡萄糖耐量实验(IPGTT)

与Wistar大鼠相比GK大鼠在糖负荷后血糖水平显著升高,在IPGTT实验180 min内没有下降趋势,IPGTT各时间点血糖水平均高于对照Wistar大鼠,差异具有显著性,P<0.001(图5)。与对照Wistar大鼠相比GK大鼠糖负荷后胰岛素分泌早期相基本消失,晚期相分泌代偿性增加(图6)。计算IPGTT实验胰岛素曲线下面积AUCi、葡萄糖曲线下面积AUCg及二者比值,结果见表1。GK大鼠AUCi、AUCg均高于Wistar大鼠(P<0.001),AUCi /AUCg比值远低于Wistar大鼠,其数值经LN转换后符合正态分布具有统计学差异(P<0.001)。

2.6 46周龄GK及Wistar大鼠主要脏器重量及脏器系数比较


3 讨论

GK大鼠是1973年在日本仙台由Goto及Kakizaki等人通过选择糖耐量处于上限的Wistar大鼠近交繁殖重复数代而来[1]。他们选择了211只正常Wistar大鼠,对他们行OGTT实验,将OGTT实验中5点血糖的总和作为筛选指标,把OGTT五点血糖的总和在这 211只中处于上限水平的大鼠挑选出来进行近交繁殖,产生F1代子鼠。再对F1代大鼠重复OGTT实验,并仍将OGTT五点血糖的总和处于F1代大鼠上限水平者挑选出来进行近交繁殖,产生F2代。以此类推,他们发现,到F13代的时候出现糖耐量受损,F30代时存在稳定的糖尿病[1]。



从实验结果看,此GK大鼠亚系保持了轻度升高的血糖,空腹血糖水平在6~8 mmol/L,非空腹血糖(包括23周龄时1日内多点非空腹血糖及34~35周龄期间进食后血糖)约在9~16 mmol/L波动。糖化血红蛋白水平亦高于对照Wistar大鼠,反映其整体血糖水平的升高。图1 23周龄GK大鼠血糖水平在腹腔葡萄糖耐量实验中,GK大鼠IPGTT糖负荷后血糖水平较正常Wistar大鼠显著升高,至180 min末下降趋势不明显,存在糖耐量受损;葡萄糖刺激的胰岛素分泌曲线示早期相分泌基本消失,晚期相分泌代偿性增加,具有2型糖尿病特点。其IPGTT胰岛素与葡萄糖曲线下面积比值远低于正常Wistar对照大鼠。这些结果支持GK大鼠存在葡萄糖刺激的胰岛素分泌能力减退与葡萄糖不耐受。表2 46周龄GK、Wistar大鼠主要脏器重量(g)表3 46周龄GK、Wistar大鼠脏器系数比较(g)34~46周龄期间持续随访12周,GK大鼠体重、空腹血糖、进食后血糖在一定范围内波动,没有明显上升或下降趋势,其成年期生物学特性稳定。虽然患有2型糖尿病,实验结束时51只46周龄GK大鼠的存活率在96.08%~98.04%。GK大鼠稳定的生物学特性,较高的存活率,及其血糖升高与胰岛素分泌特点使其成为研究人类2型糖尿病的良好模型。



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