发表时间:2010-11-08 浏览次数:317次
作者:黄春,吴文伟,徐春平,杨文彦,董开武,陈晓春 作者单位:福建医科大学 附属协和医院干部病房,福建省老年医学研究所,福州 350001
【摘要】 目的 观察≥70岁老年患者心衰不同阶段、心功能分级和左室射血分数(LVEF)对血清氨基末端钠尿肽前体(NTproBNP)水平的影响。 方法 入选老年住院患者121例。入院即刻评估慢性心衰所处阶段、NYHA心功能分级,超声心动图评估LVEF,电化学发光免疫法测定血清NTproBNP水平。 结果 (1)慢性心衰A,B,C,D各阶段血清NTproBNP的中位数(Median)分别为61.5,95.0,1 102.0和9 995.5 ng/L。非参数检验显示各组间有显著差异(P=0.000)。各组间年龄、性别构成无显著差别。左室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)/LVEF随着心衰的发展而增大/降低。(2)血清NTproBNP水平随NYHA心功能分级恶化而增加(P=0.000)。各组间年龄、性别构成无显著差别。(3)LVEF<50%组血清NTproBNP水平显著高于LVEF≥50%组(P=0.000)。 结论 ≥70岁老年患者血清NTproBNP水平与传统的心衰临床评估手段呈现一致的变化,较准确反映慢性心衰的发展进程并随着心衰症状的加重而增加。
【关键词】 利钠肽,脑;心力衰竭,充血性;慢性病
Clinical Value of NTproBNP in Diagnosis of Chronic Heart Failure in Elderly Patients
HUANG Chun,WU Wenwei,XU Chunping,YANG Wenyan,DONG Kaiwu,CHEN Xiaochun
Fujian Institute of Geriatrics, The Affiliated Union Hospital, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou, 350001, China
ABSTRACT: Objective To investigate the serum concentration of Namino terminal probrain natriuretic peptide (NTproBNP) in elderly patients (aged 70 years and older) based on the chronic heart failure (CHF) stages, NYHA function classification, and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Methods CHF stages and NYHA function classification were determined for 121 patients on admission. LVEF and LVEDD were assessed by echocardiography and NTproBNP was assayed by Roche Diagnostics. Results (1) The median NTproBNP level increased with the progress of CHF stages, respectively, stage A 61.5 ng/L, stage B 95.0 ng/L, stage C 1 102.0 ng/L, and stage D 9 995.5 ng/L, P=0.000 by nonparametric test. The constitution of age and sex of patients was similar among the groups. With the progress of CHF stages, LVEDD increased and LVEF decreased. (2) NTproBNP concentration was directly paralleled to the severity of HF symptoms based on NYHA function classification, P=0.000. The constitution of age and sex of patients was similar among the groups. LVEF was negatively associated with NYHA function classification. (3) Based on LVEF, NTproBNP concentration was higher in patients with LVEF<50% than that in those with LVEF≥50%, P=0.000. LVEF was negatively associated with NTproBNP level. Conclusion For patients aged 70 years and older, serum NTproBNP concentration, consistent with the traditional clinical parameters in evaluating heart failure, is an effective biomarker predictor for monitoring the progress and severity of CHF.To investigate the serum concentration of Namino terminal probrain natriuretic peptide (NTproBNP) in elderly patients (aged 70 years and older) based on the chronic heart failure (CHF) stages, NYHA function classification, and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) . Methods CHF stages and NYHA function classification were determined for 121 patients on admission. LVEF and LVEDD were assessed by echocardiography and NTproBNP was assayed by Roche Diagnostics kit. Results (1) The median NTproBNP level increased with the progress of CHF stages, respectively, stage A[61.5 ng/L, range(22 to 239) ng/L], stage B[95.0 ng/L, range(15 to 458) ng/L], stage C[1 102.0 ng/L, range(112 to 7108) ng/L], and stage D[9 995.5 ng/L, range (566 to 35000) ng/L], P=0.000 by nonparametric test. The constitution of age and sex of patients was similar among the groups. With the progress of CHF stages, LVEDD increased and LVEF decreased. (2) NTproBNP concentration was directly paralleled to the severity of HF symptoms based on NYHA function classification, P=0.000. The constitution of age and sex of patients was similar among the groups. LVEF was negatively associated with NYHA function classification. (3) Based on LVEF, NTproBNP concentration was higher in patients with LVEF<50% than that in those with LVEF≥50%, P=0.000. LVEF was negatively associated with NTproBNP level. Conclusion For patients aged 70 years and older, serum NTproBNP concentration, consistent with the traditional clinical parameters in evaluating heart failure, is an effective biomarker predictor for monitoring the progress and severity of CHF.
KEY WORDS: natriuretic peptide, brain ; heart failure, congestive ; chronic disease
近年来,B型钠尿肽(brain natriuretic peptide,BNP)检测作为一种方便、有效的手段广泛地应用于急性呼吸困难的心源性/肺源性鉴别诊断,而氨基末端钠尿肽前体(Namino terminal probrain natriuretic peptide,NTproBNP)因其半衰期更长、更稳定,更适用于临床检查[1]。高龄、肾功能不全和急性脓毒症等可均影响BNP和NTproBNP水平,并有可能削弱其诊断价值。笔者观察老年患者血清NTproBNP在慢性心衰不同阶段、纽约心脏协会(New York Heart Association,NYHA)心功能分级、不同左室射血分数(left ventricular ejection fraction,LVEF)中的变化,了解其对老年患者心衰诊断评估和临床严重程度的预测价值。
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象
1.2 研究方法及观察指标
入院即刻进行心衰各阶段(前心衰阶段A、前临床心衰阶段B、临床心衰阶段C、难治性心衰阶段D)的评估和NYHA心功能分级评估。采用罗氏公司的电化学发光双抗体夹心法测定血清NTproBNP水平(每一批次样品的检测均用罗氏公司提供的质控品进行监测)。超声心动图测定左室舒张末期内径(left ventricular end diastolic diameter,LVEDD)和LVEF。
1.3 统计学处理
计量资料以x±s表示。采用SPSS 14.0统计软件包处理,符合正态分布的计量资料多个均数间比较采用单因素方差分析,不符合正态分布的计量资料采用非参数检验,计数资料采用Fisher’s精确检验,NTproBNP与其他指标的相关性采用Spearman's rho分析。P<0.05为差别有统计学意义。
2 结 果
2.1 慢性心衰不同阶段血清 NTProBNP水平和超声心动图心功能指标的变化
慢性心衰A,B,C,D各阶段 NTproBNP的中位数分别为61.5,95.0,1 102.0和9 995.5 ng/L,非参数检验显示各组间有显著差异(P=0.000)。各组间年龄、性别构成无显著差别,年龄和性别与NTproBNP的水平无显著相关性;LVEDD/LVEF随着心衰的发展而增大/降低,多组间均数比较年龄无显著差别(P=0.126,单因素方差分析),性别无显著差别(P=0.156,Fisher’s精确检验),LVEDD和LVEF有显著差异(P=0.000,单因素方差分析),NTproBNP有显著差异(P=0.000,非参数检验);各组间两两比较显示:阶段A和阶段B之间无差异,其余各组间两两比较有显著差异(表1)。表1 慢性心衰不同阶段超声心动图心功能指标及NTproBNP水平变化(略)
2.2 NYHA心功能分级对血清NTproBNP水平和超声心动图心功能指标的影响
随着NYHA心功能分级的恶化,NTproBNP水平逐渐升高(P=0.000);LVEF随心功能恶化而降低(P=0.000);LVEDD则随心功能恶化而增大(P=0.000);多组间比较:年龄无显著差别(P=0.566,单因素方差分析),性别无显著差别(P=0.165,Fisher’s精确检验),LVEDD和LVEF有显著差异(P=0.000,单因素方差分析),NTproBNP有显著差异(P=0.000,非参数检验,表2)。表2 NYHA心功能分级对NTproBNP水平和超声心动图心功能指标的影响(略)
2.3 不同LVEF患者NTproBNP水平的变化
将慢性心衰患者按照LVEF高低分成两组,与LEVF正常组(LVEF≥50%)患者相比较,LVEF<50%者NTproBNP水平显著升高(P=0.000),LVEDD显著增加(P=0.000),LVEF与NTproBNP呈负相关(r=-0.315,P=0.000);LVEDD与NTproBNP呈正相关(r=0.29,P=0.000);两组间比较:年龄无显著差别(P=0.195,单因素方差分析),性别无显著差别(P=0.176,卡方检验),LVEDD有显著差异(P=0.000,单因素方差分析),NTproBNP有显著差异(P=0.000,非参数检验,表3).表3 不同LVEF患者NTproBNP水平变化(略)
3 讨 论
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