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发表时间:2010-10-29  浏览次数:400次

  作者:江榕,刘小莺,刘晓红,张静,郑培烝,刘礼斌,陈晓春 作者单位:福建省医学创新课题(2003CX19) 福建医科大学 附属协和医院,福州350001 1.老年医学研究所;2.内分泌研究所;3.检验科

  【摘要】 目的 测定肥胖症及糖尿病患者血浆脂肪因子visfatin水平、内脏及皮下脂肪组织visfatin mRNA的表达,探讨visfatin与胰岛素敏感性的相关性。 方法 设定正常体质量对照组(11例)、肥胖组(10例)及2型糖尿病组(8例),应用荧光实时定量PCR法检测皮下及内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA的表达,酶免疫分析法测定血浆visfatin浓度,HOMAIR评估胰岛素敏感性,分析visfatin与人体测量指标和代谢指标的相关性。 结果 (1)3组的血浆visfatin浓度比较差别无统计学意义;(2)3组皮下脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量相似;(3)对照组与肥胖症组内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA相对表达量相似,明显高于皮下脂肪组织;糖尿病组内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA相对表达量明显减低;(4)皮下脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量与空腹血糖、糖基化血红蛋白呈显著负相关,内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量与高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、载脂蛋白A1呈正相关,与空腹血糖、糖基化血红蛋白、血浆visfatin水平呈负相关,空腹血糖是皮下、内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA的独立相关因素;血浆visfatin水平与空腹血糖呈正相关,与血清胆固醇呈负相关,血清胆固醇是血浆visfatin水平的独立相关因素;(5)皮下、内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量及血浆visfatin水平与胰岛素抵抗指数无相关性。 结论 (1)血浆visfatin浓度的测定不能做为肥胖症或糖尿病临床诊断的一个指标;(2)visfatin mRNA主要在内脏脂肪组织中表达,糖尿病患者的高血糖状态可使其表达降低;(3)visfatin与糖脂代谢有密切联系,可能与胰岛素抵抗无关。

  【关键词】 肥胖症;糖尿病,2型;细胞因子类;脂肪组织;聚合酶链反应

  Visfatin Gene Expression in Adipose Tissue of Patients with Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Correlation with Insulin Sensitivity

  JIANG Rong, LIU Xiaoying, LIU Xiaohong, ZHANG Jing, ZHENG Peizheng, LIU Libin, CHEN Xiaochun

  1. Gerontology Institute, 2. Institute of Endocrinology, 3. Deptartment of Clinical Laboratory, The Affiliated Union Hospital,Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350001, China

  ABSTRACT: Objective Objective To assess the expression of visfatin in subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue and to investigate different plasma visfatin levels in patients with obesity and Type 2 diabetes mellitus, and moreover to explore the correlation between visfatin and insulin sensitivity. Methods The normal weight control group (11cases), obese group(10 cases) and Type 2 diabetes mellitus group (8 cases) were set. Then it was examined whether visfatin mRNA expression (with real time PCR adopted) in subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue and plasma visfatin concentrations (with enzyme immunosorbent assay employed) might correlate with anthropometric and metabolic parameters in subjects with obesity and Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Results (1) Plasma visfatin level did not differ among the three groups(P>0.05). (2)Visfatin mRNA was similarly expressed in the SAT of the three groups. (3) Significantly higher visfatin mRNA was found in VAT of the control group and subjects with obesity, while lower visfatin mRNA found in VAT of subjects with Type 2 diabetes mellitus, compared with SAT of the normal weight control group. Visfatin mRNA was similarly expressed in the VAT of the control group and subjects with obesity. (4) SAT visfatin mRNA was positively associated with VAT visfatin mRNA(r=0.488,P=0.0075) and negatively with FPG and HbA1c(r=-0.582,-0.428,P<0.001,P=0.0206), whereas VAT visfatin mRNA positively associated with HDLC and ApoA1(r=0.422,0.535,P=0.0229,P=0.0030) and negatively with FPG, HbA1c and plasma visfatin concentration (r=-0.634,-0.521,-0.388,P<0.001,P=0.006,P=0.0374). In a multiple linear regression analysis, only FPG was independently associated with SAT and VAT visfatin(P<0.001). Visfatin plasma concentration positively correlated with FPG (r=0.57,P=0.0013) and negatively with CHOL (r=-0.45,P=0.0145). In a multiple linear regression analysis, CHOL was independently associated with plasma visfatin level (P=0.021). (5)SAT and VAT visfatin mRNA and visfatin plasma concentration did not correlate with HOMAIR. Conclusions (1) Plasma visfatin level cannot work as a parameter for the diagnosis of obesity and Type 2 diabetes mellitus. (2) Visfatin mRNA is predominantly expressed in visceral adipose tissue and downregulated by hyperglycemia. (3) Visfatin mRNA is closely related to glucolipid metabolism, but maybe irrelevant to insulin resistance.

  KEY WORDS: obesity; adipose tissue; diabetes mellitus, type 2; cytokines; adipose tissue; polymerase chain reactionVisfatin Gene Expression in Adipose Tissue of Obesity and Type 2

  Diabetes Mellitus and its Relationship to Insulin Sensitivity

  The Union Hospital of Fujian Medical University, 1. Gerontology Institute, 2. Incretion Institute, 3. Inspection Laboratory, Fuzhou, ChinaIn this study we assessed expression of visfatin in subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue and investigated the plasma visfatin level altered between patients of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus, and moreover to explore the relationship between visfatin and insulin sensitivity. Methods We set the normal weight control group(11cases), obese group(10cases) and type 2 diabetes mellitus group(8cases). Then examined whether visfatin mRNA expression (using real time PCR) in subcutaneous and visceral fat and plasma visfatin concentrations (using enzyme immunosorbent assay) correlates with anthropometric and metabolic parameters in obesity subjects and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Results (1) Plasma visfatin level did not differ among the three groups(P>0.05). (2)Visfatin mRNA was similarly expressed in the SAT of the three groups. (3)Significantly higher visfatin mRNA was found in VAT of obese subjects and control, and lower visfatin mRNA was found in VAT of type 2 diabetes mellitus, compared with SAT of normolweight control. Visfatin mRNA was similarly expressed in the VAT of control and obese subjects. (4) SAT visfatin mRNA associated positively with VAT visfatin mRNA(r=0.488,P=0.0075) and negatively with FPG and HbA1c(r=-0.582,-0.428,P<0.001,P=0.0206), whereas VAT visfatin mRNA associated positively with HDLC and ApoA1(r=0.422,0.535,P=0.0229,P=0.0030) and negatively with FPG, HbA1c and plasma visfatin concentration (r=-0.634,-0.521,-0.388,P<0.001,P=0.006,P=0.0374). In a multiple linear regression analysis, only FPG was independently associated with SAT and VAT visfatin(P<0.001). Visfatin plasma concentration correlates positively with FPG(r=0.57,P=0.0013) and negatively with CHOL(r=-0.45,P=0.0145). In a multiple linear regression analysis, CHOL was independently associated with plasma visfatin level (P=0.021). (5) SAT and VAT visfatin mRNA and visfatin plasma concentration did not correlate with HOMAIR. Conclusions (1)The level of plasma visfatin may not be a diagnoses parameter of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. (2)The visfatin mRNA expression is predominantly secreted from visceral adipose tissue and downregulated by hyperglycemia. (3) the visfatin mRNA is linked with glucose and lipid metabolism but may not related to insulin resistance.visfatin; adipose tissue; obesity; type 2 diabetes mellitus; realtime PCR

  肥胖症是一种以体内脂肪堆积过多和分布异常为特征的多因素的慢性内分泌代谢疾病。近年研究已肯定脂肪组织是一个活跃的内分泌器官,能分泌多种脂肪因子,如肿瘤坏死因子α、纤溶酶原激活抑制因子1、白细胞介素6、瘦素、抵抗素以及脂联素等,在能量代谢平衡以及多种疾病中发挥着重要的作用[12]。腹型肥胖还可引起高血脂、高血压病、糖尿病及心血管系统疾病[3]。visfatin是新近发现的一种脂肪因子,本研究选择择期行腹部手术的正常体质量、肥胖症和2型糖尿病患者为研究对象,测量身高、体质量、腰围、臀围,测定空腹血糖(FPG)、血脂、胰岛素(FNS)、糖基化血红蛋白(HbA1c)、血浆visfatin浓度,取皮下及内脏脂肪组织,采用荧光实时定量PCR方法,研究皮下及内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA的表达及其与临床指标的相关性,探讨visfatin与肥胖症和糖尿病的关系。

  1 材料与方法

  1.1 材料与设备

  TRIZOL总RNA抽提试剂(美国Invitrogen公司),visfatin CTerminal(Human)Enzyme Immunoassay Kit(美国Phoenix Pharmaceuticals公司),超净工作台(苏州苏净集团),低温高速离心机(美国BECKMAN COULTER公司),低温冰箱(日本三洋公司),酶标仪(美国BioTek EL公司),DU640型紫外分光光度仪(美国BECKMAN公司),LightCycle荧光PCR仪(德国Roche公司),高精度恒温摇床(上海申能博彩公司)。

  1.2 方法

  1.2.1 对象


  1.2.2 测量人体指标




  1.2.3 血液标本的收集及测定

  患者隔夜空腹10 h采集静脉血,一份血清立即测定FPG、血脂FNS,一份抗凝血测,一份血浆加入抑肽酶(0.6 TIU/mL)冻存于-80 ℃冰箱,用于血浆visfatin浓度测定。血浆visfatin浓度测定:采用酶免疫分析法,线性范围为1.85~19.5 ng/mL,批内CV<5%,批间CV<12%。用Curve Expert


  曲线图并处理数据,得到标本血浆visfatin浓度。血脂测定:胆固醇(CHOL)、甘油三酯(TG)采用化学比色法,试剂购自美国BECKMAN公司;高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDLC)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDLC)采用一步法;载脂蛋白A1(ApoA1)及载脂蛋白B(ApoB)采用免疫比浊法,试剂购自英国RANDOX公司,由美国BECKMAN Cx7全自动生化分析仪检测。FPG测定采用葡萄糖氧化酶过氧化物酶酶联法,由美国BECKMAN Cx7全自动生化分析仪检测。FNS测定:化学发光法,由美国BECKMAN全自动微粒子免疫分析仪检测。HbA1c测定:化学发光法,由美国伯乐VARIANT糖基化血红蛋白仪检测。

  1.2.4 采集组织标本

  取腹部皮下及内脏大网膜的脂肪组织,立即用液氮速冻后,-80 ℃保存准备提取RNA。

  1.2.5 脂肪组织总RNA抽提及逆转录获得cDNA产物

  根据TRIZOL试剂说明书进行脂肪组织总RNA抽提、鉴定及定量,Rromega公司反转录试剂盒进行逆转录获得cDNA产物。福建医科大学学报 2009年9月 第43卷第5期江 榕等:肥胖和糖尿病脂肪组织visfatin基因的表达与胰岛素敏感性的关系

  1.2.6 腹部皮下和内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达的测定

  采用SYBR Green Ⅰ荧光实时定量PCR法。实时定量PCR结果表示方法:Ct(threshold cycle)值为PCR反应时,随着PCR产物逐渐增多,荧光强度不断增强,当达到一定的阈值被仪器检测到时的循环数。实时定量PCR结果采用比较阈值法表示目的基因的相对表达。


  1.2.7 胰岛素抵抗的评价



  1.3 统计学处理


  2 结果

  2.1 临床指标分析

  对照组、肥胖组、糖尿病组间年龄、性别、BP、CHOL、TG、LDLC、ApoB、ApoA1/B、FNS、HOMAIR、血浆visfatin浓度等差别均无统计学意义(P>0.05);肥胖组BMI、腰围、臀围、WHR、ApoA1明显高于对照组(P<0.05);糖尿病组BMI、臀围、WHR、FPG、HbA1c明显高于对照组(P<0.05),HDLC、ApoA1、FPG、HbA1c明显高于肥胖组(P<0.05),具体见表1。表1 各实验组间临床及实验室指标分析(略)

  2.2 内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA实时定量PCR

  与对照组皮下脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量相比,对照组及肥胖组的内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量均明显增高(P<0.05);糖尿病组明显降低(P<0.05);与对照组内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量相比,糖尿病组明显降低(P<0.05),但肥胖组与对照组的内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量无明显差异(P>0.05),具体见表2及图1。表2 不同组别的脂肪组织visfatin mRNA实时定量PCR结果(略0

  A、B、C、D、E、F分别为对照组皮下、肥胖组皮下、糖尿病组皮下、对照组内脏、肥胖组内脏、糖尿病组内脏脂肪组织.与对照组皮下脂肪组织visfatin mRNA比较,#:P<0.05;与对照组内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA比较,☆:P<0.05.

  2.3 相关性分析

  2.3.1 visfatin及相关指标的相关系数分析

  血浆visfatin水平与FPG呈正相关(r=0.57,P=0.001 3),与CHOL呈负相关(r=-0.45,P=0.014 5);皮下脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量与内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量呈正相关(r=0.488,P=0.0075),与FPG、HbA1c呈负相关(r=-0.582,-0.428,P<0.001,P=0.020 6);内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量与HDLC、ApoA1呈正相关(r=0.422,0.535,P=0.022 9,P=0.003 0),与FPG、HbA1c、血浆visfatin浓度呈负相关(r=-0.634,-0.521,-0.388,P<0.001,P=0.006,P=0.037 4)。

  2.3.2 多元逐步回归分析 以BMI、腰围、臀围、WHR、CHOL、TG、HDLC、LDLC、ApoA1、ApoB、ApoA1/B、FPG、FNS、HbA1c作为自变量,分别以血浆visfatin浓度、皮下脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量、内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA表达量作为因变量,进行多元线性逐步回归分析,显示CHOL是血浆visfatin浓度的独立相关因素(P=0.021),FPG是皮下脂肪组织visfatin mRNA和内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA的独立相关因素(P<0.001)。

  3 讨 论


  本研究结果显示,对照组、肥胖组、糖尿病组皮下脂肪组织visfatin mRNA的表达无明显差异,对照组和肥胖组内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA的表达明显增高,提示visfatin主要在内脏脂肪组织中表达,而糖尿病患者内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA的表达量明显减低,表明visfatin与糖代谢有关,提示可能是由于糖尿病的高血糖状态使visfatin mRNA的表达降低,或内脏脂肪组织visfatin表达减少可使血糖水平升高。

  但本研究中内脏脂肪组织visfatin mRNA的表达量在肥胖症和正常体质量者相仿,并未见明显升高,可能与本研究受条件限制、在选择肥胖症样本时BMI仅≥25 kg/m2有关(在国外相关文献中大多数BMI≥30 kg/m2),也可能提示BMI的大小并不影响visfatin在内脏脂肪组织的表达量。





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