发表时间:2010-05-05 浏览次数:651次
作者:施灵敏,宫剑,金献江 作者单位:温州医学院附属育英儿童医院,浙江 温州 325027,1.神经科;2.检验科;3.内分泌科
【摘要】 目的 :探讨单纯性肥胖男性儿童血清瘦素(leptin)与胰岛素(Ins)及性激素雌二醇(E2)、睾酮(T)的水平及其对性发育的影响。方法:测定各年龄组120例肥胖及120例正常的男性儿童血清的leptin及Ins,E2,T水平,进行比较并行相关性分析。结果:学龄前肥胖儿童与正常儿童比较,leptin,Ins有显著增高(P <0.01),而两组E2,T水平差异无显著性(P >0.05);青春早期、青春期肥胖儿童与正常儿童比较,leptin,Ins,E2有显著增高(P <0.01),而T降低(P <0.05)。肥胖儿童血清leptin与Ins呈正相关(r =0.547,P <0.01),而leptin与T呈负相关(r =0.351,P <0.05);正常儿童leptin与各指标无明显相关(P >0.05)。结论:单纯性肥胖儿童血清leptin和Ins同时升高,存在leptin抵抗、Ins抵抗;青春期肥胖男童leptin,E2升高,而T降低,存在性激素代谢紊乱,leptin可能影响男性肥胖儿童的性激素水平。
【关键词】 肥胖;男性儿童;瘦素;胰岛素;雌二醇;睾酮
Analysis of serum leptin,insulin,estradiol and testosterone in male children with simple obesity
SHI Ling-min, GONG Jian, JIN Xian-jiang.
Department of Neurology, YuYing Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou, 325027
Abstract: Objective: To explore the levels of serum leptin,insulin and sex hormone estradiol,testosterone in male children with simple obesity and their influence on the sexual development in children. Methods: Obesity group and control group were made up of 120 cases in each group. The levels of serum leptin,insulin,estradiol and testosterone were measured and statistical analysis of all the data were performed. Results: In preschool,the serum leptin and insulin levels in obese boys were obviously higher than those in normal boys (P <0.01), but there was no significant difference about the serum estradiol and testosterone levels between the two groups (P >0.05). In early puberty and puberty,compared with normal boys,the serum levels of leptin,insulin and estradiol in obese boys were significantly increased (P <0.01), but the levels of testosterone were reduced (P <0.05). There was a positive correlation between the levels of leptin and insulin in obese boys (r =0.547,P <0.01),but there was a negative correlation between the levels of leptin and testosterone(r =-0.351,P <0.05). There was no obvious correlation between the levels of leptin and other index in normal boys (P >0.05). Conclusion: The levels of serum leptin and insulin are obviously increased in obese children, indicating leptin resistance and insulin resistance.There is disturbance of sex hormones in adolescent obese boys. Leptin may affect the levels of sex hormone in obese boys.
Key words: obesity;boys;leptin;insulin;estradiol;testosterone
1 对象和方法
1.1 对象
1.2 标本采集和测定
所有受试者均禁食10 h后于清晨8时抽取空腹静脉血5 mL,高速低温离心后取血清置-70 ℃存储备检。应用放射免疫分析法检测血清leptin,用化学发光法测定Ins,E2,T。leptin试剂盒为美国生产的DSL-23100试剂盒。Ins,E2,T试剂盒均购自美国Beckman公司。
1.3 统计学处理方法
2 结果
2.1 各年龄组男性正常儿童与肥胖儿童内分泌指标的比较
学龄前肥胖儿童与正常儿童比较,leptin,Ins有显著增高(P<0.01),而两组E2,T水平差异无显著性(P >0.05);青春早期和青春期肥胖儿童分别与正常儿童比较,leptin,Ins,E2有显著增高(P <0.01),而T降低(P <0.05)(见表1~3)。
2.2 血清Leptin与各指标的相关性分析
肥胖儿童血清Leptin与Ins呈正相关(r=0.547,P< 0.01),而Leptin与T呈负相关(r=0.351,P< 0.05);正常儿童Leptin与各指标无明显相关(P >0.05)(见表4)。
3 讨论
瘦素(leptin)是一种脂肪细胞分泌的激素。leptin参与肝内糖及脂肪代谢[4],刺激肝糖产生,同时通过对肝脏磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸致化酶及肝异生的影响,限制甘油三酯的合成,提高肝脏及外周组织对胰岛素(Ins)的敏感[5]。正常人体内存在“Ins轴”,通过此轴,脂肪重量增加使leptin分泌增加,leptin通过胰岛β细胞极化状态而抑制Ins分泌,减少脂肪合成,降低脂肪的储存[6],而Ins则刺激leptin合成,这样就以Ins-leptin为中介,在脂肪组织和胰岛p细胞之间建立了一个双向反馈调节环[7]。本研究发现,各年龄组肥胖儿童血清leptin,Ins水平均明显高于正常儿童(P <0.01),同时肥胖组儿童leptin与Ins呈正相关,表明高水平的leptin无助于体重控制,我们推测肥胖儿童可能存在leptin抵抗,leptin抑制Ins分泌的能力下降,使正常的“脂肪-Ins轴”反馈机制破坏,导致Ins水平升高、Ins抵抗。
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