发表时间:2010-03-04 浏览次数:584次
作者:史建国,周根发,郭风彩 作者单位:江苏常州,常州市第三人民医院肝科 【摘要】 目的 研究HBsAg阴性乙型肝炎的临床转归和预后。方法 回顾分析50例HBsAg阴性的乙型肝炎患者十年前后的乙肝二对半、HBVDNA、肝功能、B超的变化。结果 十年后50例患者中仅6例出现过ALT升高(均<100U/L),3例和脂肪肝有关,3例因服用损肝药物所致,停药后ALT恢复正常。50例患者均存活, 肝功能基本正常,1例HBVDNA 1.4E+03copies/ml.49例HBVDNA<1.0E+03copies/ml。10例表现为慢性肝炎,3例为脂肪肝1例为肝硬化,未发现肝癌。结论 HBsAg阴性的乙型肝炎临床症状,肝功能变化,病情发展缓慢,十年的临床转归和预后较好。
【关键词】 乙型肝炎
Ten-year follow-up of fifty patients with HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitisSHI Jian-guo,ZHOU Gen-fa,GUO Feng-cai. Department of Liver Disease, The third People’s Hospital of Changzhou Jiangsu,213001,China
Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical outcomes and prognosis on patients with HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitis B.Methods 50 patients with HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitis B were enrolled in this study. Changes of the serum markers of hepatitis B,the level of HBV DNA,liver function and color Doppler ultrasongraphy from these patients were analyzed comparatively with retrospective review before and after ten years.Results All these patients were survived after 10 years. The serum levels of ALT rising (ALT<100IU/ml) were observed for only 6 of 50 cases, the reasons three for fatty liver disease ,three for drugs resulting in the liver injuries ,and the levels of ALT recovered when drugs stopped. The rest patients of liver function was normal generally. HBV DNA levels were quantified ,1 case for 1.4E+03 copies/ml and 49 cases far below the detectable limit.According to the ultrasongraphy ,10 cases were diagnosed as chronic hepatitis ,3 for fatty liver diease and 1for liver cirrhosis ,hepata carcinoma was not detected.Conclusion The changes of clinical symptoms and liver function were stable relatively on patients with HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitis B and the disease advanced slowly.They had good clinical outcomes and prognosis after 10 years.
Keywords:HBsAg;negative;chronic hepatitis B;clinical outcomes
1 材料和方法
1.1 资料 50例患者均为十年前住院确诊的乙型肝炎的患者,男36例,女14例,年龄18至32岁,平均28.3岁。病原学指标: 甲肝抗体、丙肝抗体、戊肝抗体、自身免疫性抗体、TTV、CMV、EBV、HGVRNA均为阴性。乙肝二对半见表1。排除因药物、肿瘤、饮酒等其它因素引起的肝功能异常。患者有10例与乙肝患者密切接触史,15例有拔牙或注射史,25例感染途径不清。
1.2 方法 50例患者前后均作乙肝二对半, 肝功能, B超检查,条件一致,有可比性。
2 结果
2.1 50例患者十年前肝功能异常,ALT在(150-460)U/L之间,没有黄疸,经过住院治疗, 肝功能恢复正常。45例B超(肝胆脾)检查无明显异常,5例表现为慢性肝炎, 未发现肝硬化,肝癌. 乙肝二对半见表1。HBVDNA 2例阳性(当时报告为定性)。
2.2 50例患者十年后均存活, 肝功能基本正常,36例B超(肝胆脾) 检查无明显异常,10例表现为慢性肝炎,3例为脂肪肝,1例为肝硬化,未发现肝癌。
2.3 乙肝二对半 见表1。
3 讨论