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发表时间:2010-11-10  浏览次数:450次

  作者:李勋 作者单位:延边大学附属医院 骨科,吉林 延吉

  【摘要】 [背景]分析小儿肱骨髁上骨折的复位、固定方法及手术时机与疗效的相关性.[病例报告]选择1999年5月至2007年5月间以肱骨髁上骨折Gartland 2型以上接受手术治疗的76例患者为对象.骨折分类采用Gartland方法进行,2型者为44例,3型为32例.所有患者均行经皮克氏针内固定术闭合复位.治疗结果判定采用Flynn评价方法进行,术后未见发生骨不连及医源性尺神经麻痹的病例,发生肘内翻畸形者为4例,活动范围减小者为3例.骨折固定时使用克氏针数量、插入方向、受伤至手术时间差异与术后患者的功能恢复及肘内翻畸形等均无显著性相关.[讨论]小儿肱骨髁上骨折手术治疗可行手法复位经皮外侧2枚克氏针平行固定,手术时机可根据具体情况进行判断.

  【关键词】 肱骨骨折;骨折固定术;手术时机

  Treatment for 76 cases of supracondylar humerus fractures by percutaneous close reduction internal fixation with Kirschner wire in children

  LI Xun

  (Department of Osteology, Affiliated Hospital of Yanbian University, Yanji 133000, Jilin, China)

  ABSTRACT:BACKGROUNDTo analyze the dependability of the reduction, fixation methods, operation opportunity and curative effects of supracondylar humerus fractures in children.CASE REPORTS76 cases of supracondylar humerus fractures were treated by operation from May 1999 to May 2007. The Gartland method was used to classify the fractures, including 44 cases of type Ⅱ and 32 cases of type Ⅲ. All patients were treated by percutaneous close reduction internal fixation with Kirschner wire after manual reduction except one of radial nerve damage at the time of trauma. The Flynn method was used to compare the carrying angle and range of movement. There was no nonunion or iatrogenic ulnar nerve palsy after operation. 4 cases of cubitus varus deformity and 3 cases of decrease in range of motion were observed as the complications. Functional results, cubitus varus deformity showed no statistical significance between each group which was divided according to the number of fixed pins used on the fracture, the direction of insertion, and the length of time between trauma and the time of operation.DISCUSSIONThe supracondylar humerus fractures in children could be performed by using manual reduction and 2 parallel fixation with Kirschner wire laterally, and the operation opportunity may be decided according to the status.

  Key words:humeral fractures;fracture fixation;operation time


  1 临床资料

  1.1 研究对象 选择延边大学附属医院自1999年5月至2007年5月间收治的16岁以下的肱骨髁上骨折,且Gartland分型为2型以上的接受手术治疗的76例患者为对象,其中男性为49例,女性为27例;年龄为1~16岁,平均为7岁;伸直型者为73例,屈曲型为3例;Gartland2型者为44例,3型为32例.

  1.2 方法 所有病例均实施闭合复位经皮克氏针内固定术.麻醉后将患侧肘关节置于C型臂透视机上,透视下闭合复位肘关节,过屈位固定,即自肱骨外髁下外方向上内方经皮转入第1枚克氏针,第2枚克氏针与第1枚平行转入,如果骨折不稳定,则于肘关节内侧行小切口,避开尺神经自肱骨内髁向外上方转入1枚克氏针,将克氏针折弯置于皮下,前臂内旋位石膏托外固定,平均25d时去除石膏托,开始进行功能锻炼,平均30d时去除克氏针.将克氏针固定方法为外侧2枚平行固定的63例患者列入Ⅰ组,内侧及外侧各1枚交叉固定的6例列入Ⅱ组,外侧2枚平行固定及内侧1枚固定的7例列入Ⅲ组.Ⅰ组中Gartland2型者为37例,3型为26例;Ⅱ组中2型为3例,3型为3例;Ⅲ组2型为4例,3型为3例.所有患者中受伤后至手术时间最短为6h,最长为90h,平均为21h.将受伤后至手术时间在12h以内,12~24h,24~48h,48~72h,72h以上者分别列入A,B,C,D,E组,患者例数分别为12,31,17,8,8例.A组Gartland2型者为7例,3型为5例;B组2型为17例,3型为14例;C组2型为10例,3型为7例;D组2型为4例,3型为4例;E组2型为6例,3型为2例.统计学处理应用SPSS10.0软件进行,组间比较采用非配对t检验.

  1.3 疗效评价标准 调查各组患者手术并发症发生情况,利用Flynn评价方法进行评价.优:提携角丢失及屈伸受限在0°~5°内;良:携角丢失及屈伸受限在6°~10°内;一般:提携角丢失及屈伸受限在11°~15°内;差:提携角丢失及屈伸受限均大于15°.利用影像学检查确认肘关节畸形情况.

  1.4 结果 Ⅰ组Flynn评价优者为57例,良为5例,一般为1例;Ⅱ组优为5例,良为1例;Ⅲ组优为5例,良为1例.A组lynn评价优为11例,良为1例;B组优为27例,良为3例,一般为1例;C组优为14例,良为3例;D组优为26例,良为3例;E组优为27例,良为2例.各组疗效间比较均无显著性差异(P>0.05).所有患者中均未发现缺血性肌挛缩、医源性尺神经麻痹及骨不连病例.随访发现有4例患者发生肘内翻畸形,其中A组为1例,B组为2例,D组为1例;Ⅰ组为3例,Ⅱ组为1例.

  2 讨论



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